- Lester Chan's WordPress Plugins - https://lesterchan.net/wordpress -

WP-PostRatings Up/Down Ratings

Many of you guys requested the up/down or some call it thumbs up/thumbs down feature in WP-PostRatings. I am proud to say that along side with the default rating styles, you can have the up/down ratings easily and on top of that you can have custom image for each individual rating. So what that means is that, if you want to have 5 different images for 5 different type of ratings instead of the same old 5 repetitive stars, now you can.

I have also make it compatible with WP-Cache, thanks to the code provided by Nir Aides [1]. This time there is a huge modification to the core code and I need beta testers for this. If anyone of you guys is interested, drop me an email @ gamerz84 AT hotmail DOT com.

Thank you.