- Lester Chan's WordPress Plugins - https://lesterchan.net/wordpress -

Plugins Compatible With WP 2.3

I have updated this site to WordPress 2.3 Beta 1 as well as ALL my plugins to be compatible with WordPress 2.3. All the plugins are running live on this site. If you find any bugs, kindly do let me know by posting it in the forum [1].

I will be releasing the updated plugins (except WP-WAP and WP-ServerInfo) after WordPress 2.3 is officially released.

After doing some reviewing, most of my plugins will be able to work on WP 2.1 and above (including WP 2.3) except for WP-Stats 2.20 where you need to have at least WP 2.3.

All the plugins version listed below is the upcoming version and NOT the current version (except for WP-Stats 2.11).

Plugins that will work for 2.1.x and above (including WP 2.3)

Plugins that will work for 2.1.x and above (including WP 2.3) 1 BUT will break WP-Stats 2.11

1 As the whole structure of WP-Stats had changed, any plugin version prior to the individual version stated above will break WP-Stats 2.11. The only solution to this, is to upgrade WordPress to 2.3, WP-Stats to 2.20 and the respective plugins to the version stated above. If you are not using WP-Stats, you can just ignore this.

Plugins that will work for 2.3 Only