USB-C to Mini DisplayPort Adapter
I bought this brandless USB-C to Mini DisplayPort Adapter from Lazada for S$12.96 with free shipping to Singapore if you opted for the slowest shipping.
It is an OEM USB-C to Mini DisplayPort adapter from 1buycart which is located in Shenzhen, China. At the time of writing, they have 207 product ratings and 71 seller ratings with an average score of 4.4 stars out of 5.
Amazon does sell USB-C to Mini DisplayPort adapters but the prices are all about US$20 (S$28), and they do not ship to Singapore directly. Not that shipping through a freight forwarder is an issue, but the cost adds up as compared to cheaper alternatives on Lazada.
Also, I do believe those adapters being sold on Amazon are from the same OEM. So there is no point in paying two times more for the same thing.
It was shipped to me on 16th June 2017, and I received it on 23rd June 2017.