Earth Hour will take place tonight, 23rd March 2013 at 8.30pm, while Earth Day will take place on 22nd April 2013.
What is Earth Hour? (From: Wikipedia)

Earth Hour will take place tonight, 23rd March 2013 at 8.30pm, while Earth Day will take place on 22nd April 2013.
What is Earth Hour? (From: Wikipedia)
Both SingTel and Samsung has pledge supports for Team Singapore for the London 2012 Olympics. Samsung will sponsor 60 Samsung Galaxy SIII (White) while SingTel will provide complimentary airtime and data subscriptions to allow them to keep in touch with their family back in Singapore.
For those who wants more details, the press releases from the 2 company are pasted below.
Steve Jobs (Wikipedia) has passed away yesterday at the age of 56.
Hell, it is about time!
By when? By End July 2011
I grew up listening to Michael Jackson songs. It is a little sad that he pass away at such a young age, 50 is still considered young! Despite his scandals in the recent years, my perception of him still has not change. Rest in peace Michael Jackson, you will always be remembered!
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Michael Jackson, the child star turned King of Pop who set the world dancing but whose musical genius was overshadowed by a bizarre lifestyle and sex scandals, died on Thursday. He was 50.
Singapore has confirmed its first case of Influenza A (H1N1). The patient is currently being treated at the Communicable Disease Centre at Tan Tock Seng Hospital and is in stable condition. The patient is a 22-year-old Singaporean woman who was in New York from May 14-24. She arrived back in Singapore from New York on SQ25 on 26 May at 6.30am. She began to develop a cough while onboard. She passed the thermal scanner uneventfully as she did not have fever then. Later in the morning, she consulted a GP who decided to send her to TTSH via a 993 ambulance, given her travel history. She was immediately admitted for testing. Laboratory confirmation of her infection was made by midnight of 26 May. The patient has been vigilant in monitoring her own condition and had sought immediate medical attention once she realized that she was unwell. Her attending GP, through his quick response in activating the 993 ambulance for the patient, had also helped to minimize the spread of infection from this case. The Health Ministry says it has initiated contact tracing of her close contacts. They will be quarantined and provided with antiviral prophylaxis.
Passengers who had travelled in the same flight and were seated in rows 52 to 58 are urged to call the hotline at 1800-333 9999 to enable the MOH to check on their health condition. The MOH adds that all medical practitioners and healthcare institutions should continue to be vigilant to suspect cases. Singapore will continue with temperature screening for passengers entering Singapore at all checkpoints (land, sea and air).
Barack Obama: 364
John McCain: 163
Democrats: 57
Republicans: 40
WOOT! I have applied.
The School of Computing will be offering a new 4-MC Facebook Programming module on next Semester (AY2007/2008, Semester 2) – CS3216 : Software Development on Evolving Platforms. This is your chance to be a part of this new global Internet phenomenon, currently valued at some US$15 billion.
SERIOUSLY, WTF IS WRONG WITH SINGAPORE, helping to pay fine for someone that has committed a crime and he is not even a Singaporean nor a PR. I seriously don’t give a flying fuck if he is from RJC or scored 2394863280948034 As for his exams, he committed a crime and he should be responsible for his action.
CHINESE undergraduate Zhao Ke, fined $15,000 for hacking into his former school’s computer network, has received “over ten” offers to help pay his fine.
FOREIGNERS are coming here in unprecedented numbers, contributing to the largest swell in Singapore’s population in more than two decades.
The foreign population, which includes professionals, workers, students and their family members, was an estimated 1,005,500 in June this year – crossing the one million mark for the first time.