Since moving in last month, we have been hosting many groups of friends and families for our housewarming.
Sometimes, they will need to connect to your Wi-Fi network, and having to tell them the Wi-Fi SSID and password one by one can be cumbersome.

Received a very nice gift from The Future of Us. It is the 3Doodler 2.0.
What is 3Doodler?
I bought the Pixel Ruler from UI Stencils for US$29 (S$41) and shipping to Singapore is an additional US$14.60 (S$21) via USPS First-Class Package International Service.
The Pixel Ruler is a good tool to have for responsive screen size sketching. It is a heavy-duty gauge stainless steel ruler with pixel increments. There are markers on the ruler for mobile, tablet and widescreen (laptop) sizes.
My 3Doodler (Kickstarter link) has finally arrived after backing the project on 20th February 2013!
What is 3Doodler?
I got an email from Andrey Kem asking me whether I need any custom icons for my plugin as she has been a WordPress user since 2003 and realized my plugins does use icons from famfamfam. Just in case you are wondering, she is intending to create the world’s biggest icon set containing 3,000 3,500 3,800 3,926 icons and offering it for free. Currently only 1,400 icons are available, the remaining are still in the works.
It is available in PNG of sizes 16×16, 32×32 and some in 48×48 and 96×96 in one big zip package!
I was invited to a blogger event by HP at Gallery Hotel’s Bar 84. The special guest appearance is industrial designer Tord Boontje whom HP collaborated with for the limited edition version of the HP Mini entitled, HP Mini By Studio Tord Boontje.
Li Xiang is more familiar when it comes to designers, so I will just quote what she say:
Found a couple of good websites providing free fonts.
» Acid Fonts
» Pizzadude (there is a free fonts section to browse)
» Search Free Fonts
» High Fonts