
Back From Thailand

Hi guys and girls, I am back from Thailand. Yesterday when I came home and I on the power of the main switch in my room, I saw a very bright white flare coming out from my cable modem for 3 seconds, and seconds later, I can smell the smoke coming out of my cable modem. And my cable modem is fried.

My old modem lasted me for 6 years. I think it is time for it to RIP. Went to buy a new Motorola Cable Modem (SB5101) from Plaza Singapura’s Starhub shop. Cost me around $99.23.

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Sitex 2005

Sitex 2005
Went to Sitex 2005 on Saturday, it was quite crowded because besides Sitex 2005, there is also a lifestyle and Big Boyz Toyz exhibitions going on.

I finally got myself a Apple Black iPod Video 30GB for $521 with a $26 iPod accessories voucher. Use that voucher to buy the screen protector for $29, paid additional $3. When I came home I check the Internet, I found out that Martin Field Overlay is only selling for $25, felt so cheated, damn it.

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Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire
Caught Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire at GV Grand. I have booked the tickets about 1 week ago, luckily still managed to get it at a weird timeslot, 10.10pm show. The rest of the slots either sold out or the seats is 1st few rows from the front. The show is roughly around 150 minutes and it is quite action packed if you compare it to the previous Harry Potter series. Quite worth the money, it is good but not fantastic.

Need A New Webhosting
Frozened will be closing down in September 2006 due to the fact we are making too little profits for too much effort used. Thank you Zeus for all your effect put in. I really appreciate it. I have already found a new Webhost recommended by my friend in my department. It is 27 Hosting Company. It is the best and yet it is so value for money. I will be applying for it after May 2006. There should only be a few hours downtime depending on how fast can the DNS be updated.

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Password Protected Post

Our military is cracking down on blogs that post negative comments on them.

So better be safe than sorry, I have password protect my previous blog post. The password will be the same across all password protected blog posts. And the hint to the password is my girlfriend full name (not hanyu ping ying name), all in small letters and without spaces. Drop me an email if you can’t figure out the password and would like to read my blog post.

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Tom Yum Goong

Argh, fuck this, I type a long post and when I click post, it prompt me to a login page and my long post is gone. FUCK.

Caught a sneak preview of Doom at GV Grand. The storyline to this movie is pretty simple and straight forward. No idea why some of the reviews give it bad ratings. From my point of view, I find it is quite average and not as scary as it seems. The last 15 minutes of the movie features the first person shooter view. It is cool but funny at the same time. LOL

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1st Anniversary

1st Year Anniversary
LiXiang and I celebrated our 1st year anniversary yesterday, codename 1024. It was my dismounting shift. We went to pray at Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple, before going to Bugis to take Neocard. It was my 1st time taking Neocard with her after 1 year. Went to Tony Romas at Suntec City for our dinner. It was our 1st time eating at Tony Romas. Food was ok, but prices was abit steep.

Last year, we was watching Ladder 49 together at GV Grand when I 1st held her hand in the Cinema. Time flies! LOL

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Singapore Zoological Garden

Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride
Caught Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride at Cathay Cineleisure. It was quite average, I expect the jokes to be better but it turn out so-so only. Wonder why 8 Days give it a 4.5 stars rating.

There is a new Sony Gallery opened at Paragon, much bigger than Wisma Atria’s one.

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