Tag: coffee

Acaia Lunar

I was using the Hario V60 Drip Scale previously, and it is not designed for weighing espresso shots (duh). It is laggy and bulky underneath the group head. The precision is also lesser by 0.3g after using the Acaia Calibration Weight 100g to measure it.

Again, I decided to endgame it and went straight to the Acaia Lunar. The official retail price of the Acaia Lunar is US$250 (S$339), but on their website, it doesn’t ship directly to Singapore.

Acaia Lunar - Box Front
Acaia Lunar – Box Front

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Niche Zero

I am going on an espresso-learning journey, and the first thing I learned is always to get a good grinder. And it seems that the default setup is always a Niche Zero coffee grinder.

So I decided to get just that. It is not cheap. Niche Zero retails for £499 (S$808); shipping to Singapore is an additional £75 (S$122). On top of that, I need to pay 8% GST of S$64.41 and DHL’s advanced payment fee of S$20.

Niche Zero - Box Front
Niche Zero – Box Front

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Cafflano Klassic

Cafflano Klassic initially started out as Kickstarter project on June 2014 but it was unsuccessfully funded.

They came back to Kickstarter again on 1st January 2015 and this time around it was successfully funded on 18th January 2015. They raised a total of £31,524 from 658 backers out of their initial goal of £1,000.

Cafflano Klassic - Box Front
Cafflano Klassic – Box Front

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Nespresso Pixie

Joined the dark side and got the Nespresso Pixie (Electric Red)! The recommended retail price (RRP) is S$398 but thanks to a friend who is working in Nestle, I managed to get it at staff price!

The machine is Made in Switzerland (NOT China) and I like how they have a handle together with the box for you to carry it easily! The box includes 16 capsules. You can shop for more capsules over at their online store, Club Nespresso, or using their Nespresso iPhone App. There are 3 prices for their capsules. Prices below are for each capsule:

Capsules Pricing
Capsules Pricing

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