Xbox 360 2nd Anniversary Private Party
Yesterday, 3rd April 2008, I was invited by Ian Tan from Microsoft to a private Xbox 360 Anniversary Party at The Screening Room (Theatre). That was my 2nd time I have been to The Screening Room.
Publishers such as EA, Atari, LucasArts, THQ, Namco Bandai, Rockstar, and Team Ninja were there to give us a sneak peek of their upcoming games. What we see are mostly confidential and hence no photos or videos can be taken.
The following games were presented to us in either actual in-game demo or trailers:
- Ninja Gaiden II by Team Ninja (Official) (Gamespot)
- Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit by Namco Bandai (Official) (Gamespot)
- Destroy All Humans! Path of the Furon by THQ (Official) (Gamespot)
- Alone In The Dark by Atari (Official) (Gamespot)
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed by LucasArts (Official) (Gamespot)
- Facebreaker by EA (Official) (Gamespot)
- UEFA Euro 2008 by EA (Official) (Gamespot)
- Dead Space by EA (Official) (Gamespot)
- Mirrors Edge by EA (Official) (Gamespot)
- Grand Theft Auto IV by Rockstar (Official) (Gamespot)
Release Dates
- Most of the games mentioned above are going to be released between late May 2008 and June 2008.
According to the LucasArts spokesperson, he said that this is the first time they announced the released date of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and here they are:
- 16th September 2008 in the United States.
- 17th September 2008 in Asia Pacific
- 19th September 2008 in Europe.
- GTA IV will be released on the 29th April 2008 and it will come to Singapore this time as MDA has a new rating system for games soon.
As this is a private party, they split us into 4 groups (Rockstar, Covenant, Ninja, and Ghost) for us to compete in 3 games (Bomberman, Guitar Hero III and Project Gotham Racing 4). Sabrina, Eunice (did not really get her name), Nicholas/Aaron and I are in Rockstar.We came in first only in Bomberman but loses out in Guitar Hero III and Project Gotham Racing 4. But nevertheless, it was fun and stressful at the same time. TeamNinja won. I also saw U-Zyn there.
The lucky number 12 belongs to Farinelli was called for the lucky draw and he won an Xbox 360 (Halo 3 Special Edition). But my number was 3, sigh.
The goodies bag was good, 2 t-shirts, and 1 black wireless Xbox 360 controller.
Now I got both the controller and the Xbox 360 game which I won from a lucky draw during Premix 2007. What I lack now is an Xbox 360. Hopefully, I can get a discounted version straight from Microsoft, keeping my fingers crossed.
I enjoyed myself at the party even though I got a Maths test today! The food is good too. I just love the mini burger (it is really small) which costs like $12 for 2 if you order it from the ala-carte. I ate at least 10 yesterday.
Can’t wait for the 3rd anniversary or the next event. I hope they will have something like this also but for PC games.
Kudos to the Xbox 360 team and event organizer for a successful event and thanks to Ian for the invite. Looking forward to the next one. =D
Here are some pictures from the event official photographer:

I have uploaded all the photos that are released to us to Facebook Photo Album.