TYLT Energi 5k+ Battery Pack
Not many people heard of the brand TYLT before and that includes me. But I recognised the bold colors used in their nicely designed product packaging and only then I realised, the brand name is TYLT.
I still could not figured out what TYLT stands for and it is not written in their about page.
Here is one paragraph taken from their about page:
We are inclined to innovate. Our goal is to connect to you and to your devices. Our focus is innovation in the mobile world. TYLT was established in 2011, simply to provide high-quality design, with exceptional value to our customers.
I have two products from TYLT, the TYLT Energi 5k+ Battery Pack and the TYLT Syncable-Duo Charge & Sync Cable.
This blog post will be about the TYLT Energi 5k+ Battery Pack. It is retailing for S$99 and is available in three colors, Red, Blue and Grey.

The TYLT Energi 5k+ is a 5,200mAh Lithium Ion power bank. It measures 14.3 x 70 x 142 (mm) and only weighs 172g.

What makes the TYLT Energi 5k+ so special is the built-in lightning and micro USB cable into the battery pack. That means that you do not need to bring separate cables to charge your phones. This is particular useful for people who bring around two phones, one iPhone and one Android/Windows Phone.

There is even an additional normal USB port if you need to charge other devices that doesn’t use a Lightning or micro USB connector.

I tried charging three devices (iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 5 and Nexus 5) simultaneously using the TYLT Energi 5k+ and all three devices charges, as it is capable of outputting a total of 3A.

Where To Buy
You can get the TYLT Energi 5k+ Battery Pack from physical stores such as EpiCentre or online from Ban Leong’s eStore.