UNI-T Mini Light Meter (UT383)
Uni-T is becoming my favourite go-to brand for cheap meters. The “T” in the name stands for “Trend.”
I first got the UNI-T Mini Sound Lever Meter (UT353BT) last April 2020 to measure sound level emitting from some of my gadgets.
Last week, I bought another Uni-T product which is the UNI-T Mini Light Meter (UT383) from Lazada for S$18.90. Shipping is free to Singapore.
The UNI-T Mini Light Meter supports both Lux (Luminous Flux) and FC (Foot Candle) illuminance readings.

My wife will be using this meter to measure the illuminance around her plants. The readings can determine if the plants are receiving too little, enough, or too much light.

- Illuminance measurement (LUX): 0 ~ 199,900Lux
- Illuminance measurement (FC): 0 ~ 18,500Fc
- 0 ~ 9999Lux / 0 ~ 999Fc: ∓ (4% + 8)
- ≥ 10000Lux /≥ 1000Fc: ∓ (5% + 10)
- ≥ 100000Lux /≥ 9999Fc: ∓ (5% + 10)
- 1Lux (0 ~ 9999Lux)
- 10Lux (≥ 10,000Lux)
- 100Lux (≥ 100,000Lux)
- 1Fc (0 ~ 9999Fc); FC = Lux/10.76
- 10Fc (≥ 10,000Fc); FC = Lux/10.76
- Sampling time: 0.5s
You might notice the model number for this Mini Sound Lever Meter doesn’t come with the letters BT which stands for Bluetooth. Hence, it is much cheaper.
Bluetooth is an overrated feature for a meter as it is a hassle to connect via Bluetooth and use the app to record the readings. It is faster to look at the meter’s monochrome screen to get a reading and record it somewhere.
In hindsight, I should have gotten the non-Bluetooth version for the Mini Sound Lever Meter as well.