UNI-T Mini Temperature Humidity Meter (UT333BT)
I have multiple gadgets for reading and displaying temperatures and humidity like the Aqara Temperature and Humidity Sensor, Aqara TVOC Air Quality Monitor, or the Xiaomi Mi Multifunctional Digital Clock. But none of them give you real-time readings, and you are unsure when the reading displayed is taken.
So I decided to get the UNI-T Mini Temperature Humidity Meter (UT333BT), which gives me the real-time reading of the temperature and humidity in the room. UT333BT is the Bluetooth version; hence, the letters BT are at the back of the product name.
Judging from the packaging, three AAA batteries were supposed to be included with the UT333BT, but when I received it, it was empty.

UNI-T Mini Temperature Humidity Meter (UT333BT) is a no-frills tool and does exactly what the name describes. I bought it for S$27.49 on Lazada.

Three AAA batteries power it, and it will auto-switch off after five minutes of inactivity.

You can connect the UT333BT to your phone via Bluetooth using the iENV app, which is available on iOS and Android.

Interestingly, the RH of my house is around 68%, and after I shower, the RH of the toilet is about 78%.

I am using the Philips Series 5000 2-in-1 Air Purifier and Dehumidifier and often set it to 40% RH. Using my UT333BT, the difference in the reading is about 5%. The dehumidifier will detect 40%, while the UT333BT will see about 45%.