
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
Caught Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest last weekend, the movie was not bad, lasted for about 150 minutes. The ending was like WTF? Apparently Pirates of the Caribbean will be a trilogy, and in the third part there will be a new villian called Sao Feng (acted by Chow Yun-Fat), captain of a red-sailed pirate ship named Empress. More information here.

Been going to NUS on Monday and Friday for my Maths (MA1301) and Qualifying English Test (QET) respectively and will be going again this Monday for my Data Structures And Algorithms (CS1102) placement test. This batch enrolled into NUS, for DMMT students we have been exempted 3 modules CS1101, CS2102 and CS3240, whereas last year, there is no exemption. Lucky us. Glad to see my poly classmates, Luvi and WeiQuan got into the same course.

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Today Is My Last Day

Today shall be my last day in camp. After today, I shall clear leave all the way till 4th August 2006 (Friday), and that is when I get my Pink IC.

Greets to all my INTEC friends, thanks so much for the help and support you have given me for the past 8 months. I really enjoyed my stay in INTEC. One of the best place to be posted to in SAF.

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