My exams ended on the 6th May 2009 and immediately after that, went for some retail therapy and bought a Nintendo Wii from located at 545 Orchard Road #05-07, Far East Shopping Centre. It was kinda of a last minute decision to buy Wii which happens on the day before while studying for my Statistics & Probability (ST2334) paper.
The 3 of us, myself, Suqin and Kelvin (for his girlfriend’s birthday) bought the Wii together. We thought that buying 3 Wii together there would be discount, but unfortunately that is not the case. I spent a total of S$390 on this while Suqin and Kelvin each spend S$378 because they did not get the 3rd party component cable. Hong Jun also helped to inject some money into the economy by buying Wii Fit (that will be my next buy) and Weiquan bought some board games.