I finally took some time to update my site’s feed to use FeedBurner feed.

So now I can see how many people are subscribe to my blog’s feed. =D

Feel free to subscribe to GaMerZ.Blog feed or if you want to keep track of my WordPress Plugins development, feel free to subscribe to GaMerZ.WordPress feed.

Technorati Ranking
As my site is still on WP 1.5.2, I can’t use any WordPress plugin to display my Technorati Rank as all of them requires WP 2.0 and above.

I took some code from Douglas Karr’s Technorati Rank WordPress Plugin and an image from Eric’s site and with the help of GD2 library, I generated my Technorati Ranking Image which has the same style as the FeedBurner feed count.

Both the FeedBurner and Technorati Ranking information can be found on the right menu, under Tracking.

PS: My https://lesterchan.net/ site is ranked 1,923 in Technorati! I have finally made it to Technorati Top 2K sites!