CS2105 Is Hell
I got only 2 papers this semester despite taking 4 modules (20 MCs). Out of these 2 papers, 1 of them is open book and partially it is based on common sense (CS3253) and hence I did not spend much time studying it.
I spent exactly 1 week studying CS2105 because the fucking workload is so heavy, fuck loads of stuffs to memorize, closed book exams and not even a single fucking help sheet is allowed (last semester, help sheet is allowed). CS2105 is a computer network module and of course it covers the 5 layers of network. I am fine with that, but I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHY THE FUCK DO WE NEED TO KNOW signal calculations/details, WE ARE COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS AND NOT ENGINEERS. Please wake up your idea.
My exams is tomorrow at 5pm and on the brighter side, it is my last paper for the semester.