Petrol prices have been going up a lot lately. Currently 98-Octane rating petrol cost about S$ 2.080 for 1 litre.

Lets put this in another perspective:
– 1 litre of petrol cost about S$2.08
– 1 can of coke (330ml) cost about S$1.20 (coffeeshop price)

Convert 1 litre of coke from 330ml and it will cost you S$3.63. As we can see, 1 litre of Coke is more expensive than 1 litre of petrol.

Next think about the effort needed to process oil and the effort needed to process coke and you will get the whole picture that oil is not really that expensive.

My 2nd year, 1st semester exams ended on the 4th December 2007 with results coming out on the 27th December 2007 (3pm). My 2nd semester will start again shortly on the 14th January 2008. I will be going Genting on the 2nd January 2008 for 4 days 3 nights.

Some say this movie is good, some say it sucks, but personally I think this movie is not bad because of some humorous scenes. To me it sucks in terms of storyline because the storyline is rather redundant in the sense that it does not make any sense.

The Golden Compass
This movie is the first part of the trilogy, it will be succeeded by The Subtle Knife and followed by The Amber Spyglass. The visual effect is good because it is by Industrial Light and Magic. The movie has some hidden anti-Christ meaning and hence it is banned in some country such as Canada. Overall to me this movie is just average but the special effects make up for it.

The Heart Breaker Kid
Ben Stiller is good, the content of this show is rather sexual and hence the R21 rating. In terms of humorous it was slightly average but the humorous content is rather new or unique and hence it makes up for that weakness of the movie.