In-N-Out Burger Coming To Singapore?
Saw this picture on @lupcheong ‘s tweet!
In-N-Out Burger might be coming to Singapore! The event advertised below might be a food tasting session or a trial to see the response in Singapore! Hopefully they will make it to Singapore =D

I had my first In-N-Out Burger at Gilroy Premium Outlet when I was in California last December!

Source: @lupcheong
Tweet: Oh apparently In-N-Out Burger’s coming to Singapore
*UPDATE* Looks like it is a one-off event as the same thing happen in Australia as well back in January 2012, In-N-Out Pops In To Australia N’ Pops Out Just As Quickly:
We have done events like this before in other countries and they are just one part of our efforts to promote and expand our brand as well as determine the best way to continue reaching out to customers around the world. We do not have any immediate plans to open a permanent restaurant there but this special event will help us make future decisions.
Thanks to @HungryGoWhere’s tweet
*UPDATE* Look at the queue!

*UPDATE* Took some pictures! The first person in the queue, stated queuing about 9.30am. If you notice in the menu picture below, they do sell t-shirt for S$5, but you need to be in the queue to buy 1. Each person is entitled to only 1 burger and there are only about 300 burgers available. Prices range between S$4 to S$6.