Amazon Echo Voice Remote
The Voice Remote for Amazon Echo and Echo Dot is retailing for US$29.99 (S$41).
During Amazon Prime Week, you can get a one-time US$10 off any purchase if you order things through Amazon Echo. Of course, you need to be an Amazon Prime member.
Since I have used the Amazon Prime trial before, I have no choice but to sign up for Amazon Prime for a month (US$10.99/S$15). I will probably cancel after that.
Despite the US$10.99 cost, it is still worth it for me. That is because besides the voice remote, I also gotten another Amazon Echo during Prime Day for USD$50 less.
The only downside is that neither the voice remote nor the Amazon Echo ships to Singapore directly, and hence I have to ship it through a freight forwarder like HopShopGo.
The voice remote will be useful for me because my Amazon Echo is placed at a corner of my living room as that is so called my “Smart Home” corner.
It is near the wall and hence sometimes it can’t hear my commands correctly.
It is recommended to place your Amazon Echo about 8 inches (20 centimeters) from any walls.
Since I don’t have that kind of space in the corner, the voice remote is useful to me.
There is an app called Roger which is available on both iOS and Android that works with Alexa. But I found the app too slow. It takes about 10 seconds between the time you speak and Alexa responding.
The app works great for remote triggering. But if you are at home and is at some distance from your Amazon Echo, this remote works better.

It seems that Amazon Echo has a new packaging. It is very different from the one I got a year ago.