Here are some juicy videos regarding Starcraft II shown during BlizzCon 07.
Search Engine Optimization Part 1
I have did some Search engine optimization (SEO) for this site.
After this phrase is done, I am going to rename /blogs/ to /blog/ because technically, there is only 1 blog and not many blogs.
Funny Joke
A man checked into a hotel. There was a computer in his room, so he decided to send an e-mail to his wife.
However, he accidentally typed a wrong e-mail address, and without realizing his error, he sent the e-mail.
Nokia N81 Live Shot
Below is a live shot of Nokia N81.
I am still waiting for live shot of N82 to be leaked as I am more interested in it due to its candy bar form factor.

Nokia N81
Top 10 Most Common Passwords
We all use passwords every day; they have become very common today. Checking out mail, transferring money, shopping online, all those actions involve introducing a password. So if you use a password it is supposed to be a long difficult one in order not to get your account stolen. We are always told of stories about breaking easy passwords and stealing money.
Very many people have read and heard these stories, but let us see what happened to the passwords that people use.
CS3214 Workshop
CS3214 Workshop
Been so busy for me for the past few weeks, need to enjoy my last bit of holiday before my school starts. Anyway, my school has not yet officially started, it will start on 16th August 2007. But currently I am attending CS3214 Workshop and it happens everyday from 1st August 2007 to the day my school starts from 10am right up to 5pm. Unofficially, my school has started for me.
CS3214 is like a Final Year Project (FYP) in polytechnic by it is just a module on its own and it is worth 8 module credits and I think it is much more tougher than FYP. And the “best part” is that we have to code in Java. I have no idea why schools in Singapore is so pro Java, seriously Java sucks, it is so fucking resource consuming. And in order to code it, I need a computer with at least 1GB of RAM if not I will take like forever to compile the final codes. And the laptop I bought last year just barely meet the requirements.
Samsung YP-K3 Review
First time doing a review here, so please be gentle with me, my English, my photography skills and my video skills. Thank you.
It is a home made review so everything is not professional.

Next Nokia announcement On 29th August 2007
Lots of rumors have been circulating the web lately. Especially regarding their Nseries. Nokia have announced alot of phones this year but no Nseries so far. Anyways, this announcement is supposed to include the N95 8 GB, N81, N82 and maybe a surprise. I can’t wait.
Cisco Kills Linksys Brand
In a roundtable with the European press, John Chambers confirmed the “end of life” of the Linksys name, being replaced by the new and redesigned Cisco branding.
This decision follows Cisco’s move last April to make it easier for Linksys resellers to add Cisco products to their offerings and vice versa. Also, just a few weeks ago, Cisco created a new division solely focused on the SMB market and headed by Rick Moran, formerly marketing chief of several Cisco communications applications like the unified communications portfolio, Cisco IPICS, Cisco Small Business Systems (Linksys One), TelePresence, Business Video and Physical security.
Internationalized Domain Name (IDN)
An internationalized domain name (IDN) is an Internet domain name that (potentially) contains non-ASCII characters. Such domain names could contain letters with diacritics, as required by many European languages, or characters from non-Latin scripts such as Arabic or Chinese. However, the standard for domain names does not allow such characters, and much work has gone into finding a way around this, either by changing the standard, or by agreeing on a way to convert internationalized domain names into standard ASCII domain names while preserving the stability of the domain name system.
IDN has, by the standards of the Internet, a long history; it was originally proposed in 1996 (by M. Duerst) and implemented in 1998 (by T.W.Tan et al). After much debate and many competing proposals, a system called Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) was adopted as the chosen standard, and is currently, as of 2005, in the process of being rolled out.