Tag: ErgoEdge

EverDesk Max Standing Desk Review

I have been using the ErgoEdge AmpDesk Standing Desk since June 2018, before all the COVID-19 and Work From Home (WFH) events. COVID-19 came in January 2020 and accelerated WFH. So when people WFH, they need a proper environment to work from home. And if they do have that, they will need a good work desk.

So that started a sudden surge in people buying standing desks. And I believe the demand for standing desks is still happening today because just when you thought it was over, Omicron came and said hello.

ErgoEdge AmpDesk
ErgoEdge AmpDesk

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ErgoEdge AmpDesk Standing Desk

ErgoEdge makes standing desks in singapore and their latest product is the AmpDesk. AmpDesk is a customizable and height adjustable standing desk. The base price starts at S$650 with free delivery and comes with three years warranty.

I was sponsored the base AmpDesk (S$749), Memory Keypad (S$29), Powered Grommet (S$58), and S$50 off a monitor arm.

ErgoEdge - Home
ErgoEdge – Home

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ErgoEdge Freedom Dual Monitor Arm

Apart from standing desks, ErgoEdge also sells monitor arms branded under Freedom. It comes in both single or dual arm and with or without laptop holder.

The single monitor arm retails for S$99 while the single monitor arm with laptop holder retails for S$129. The dual monitor arm retails for S$159 while dual monitor arm with laptop holder retails for S$189.

Freedom Dual Monitor Arm - Box
Freedom Dual Monitor Arm – Box

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