The price difference between Kindle Paperwhite with Special Offers and without is US$20 (S$29) on Amazon.
I would recommend getting the Kindle Paperwhite with Special Offers because that can be removed.

The price difference between Kindle Paperwhite with Special Offers and without is US$20 (S$29) on Amazon.
I would recommend getting the Kindle Paperwhite with Special Offers because that can be removed.
The Kindle Paperwhite E-reader (2016) is retailing on Amazon for US$119.99 (S$167). It doesn’t ship to Singapore directly and hence you have to ship it through a freight forwarder like HopShopGo.
If you want to get it locally from Singapore, you can get it from SG E-Reader Shop. They are selling the Kindle Paperwhite E-reader (2016) for S$209 which is pretty reasonable. Shipping is free within Singapore and it takes 2 to 3 days before reaching you via Ninja Van.