Removing Special Offers On Kindle
The price difference between Kindle Paperwhite with Special Offers and without is US$20 (S$29) on Amazon.
I would recommend getting the Kindle Paperwhite with Special Offers because that can be removed.
Once you received your Kindle, please register it because it will be tied to your account.
Go to Amazon Contact Us, under “What can we help you with?”, choose “Amazon Devices and Kindle Apps”.
Next, choose your Kindle Paperwhite, it should appear there once your Kindle is registered as mentioned above.
Under “Tell us more about your issue”, choose “Kindle E-reader” for issue and “Something else” for issue details. For short summary of issue, you can just type “Remove Special Offers? I am outside US.”
Under “How would you like to contact us?”, choose “Chat” because that is the fastest way.
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I started off the chat with the following message:
I received a Kindle Whitepaper as a gift. It is with special offers. It seems to be US only. I am in Singapore and it is not really applicable to me. Is it possible to get it removed?
We chatted and the Customer Service Offer (CSO) removed the Special Offers from my Kindle within 5 minutes!