Tag: Thunderbolt 3

Apple Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) Cable (0.8m)

The Razer Core X Chroma comes with a 0.5m Thunderbolt 3 cable. There is nothing wrong with the length, but the build quality of the cable is questionable.

I tested it with three MacBook Pros and all three experience frequent disconnections from the eGPU. It can be as frequent as once every 30 minutes. It is extremely irritating. Upon Googling, it seems to be a common problem.

Apple Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) Cable (0.8m) - Box Front
Apple Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) Cable (0.8m) – Box Front

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CalDigit Thunderbolt 3 mini Dock (DisplayPort)

CalDigit Thunderbolt 3 mini Dock is the newest product from CalDigit that was announced back in July 2018.

For the unaware, CalDigit makes popular Thunderbolt 3 products like the Thunderbolt Station 3 and the Thunderbolt Station 3 Plus.

CalDigit - Thunderbolt 3 mini Dock (DisplayPort) - Box Front
CalDigit – Thunderbolt 3 mini Dock (DisplayPort) – Box Front

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Cable Matters Thunderbolt 3 to Dual DisplayPort Adapter

I was looking for an adapter that allows me to output to two external displays using just a single port and I realized that USB-C is not the way to go. USB-C specifications only allow one external display per USB-C port.

So the next logical thing to search is for Thunderbolt 3 adapters and I found the Cable Matters Thunderbolt 3 to Dual 4K or Single 5K DisplayPort Adapter from Amazon retailing for US$79.99 (S$112).

Cable Matters Thunderbolt 3 to Dual DisplayPort Adapter - Box Front
Cable Matters Thunderbolt 3 to Dual DisplayPort Adapter – Box Front

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