
2nd Anniversary

Our 2nd Anniversary
Celebrated our 2nd anniversary at Seoul Garden at Ngee Ann City. The variety of food there at Seoul Garden is getting from bad to worst. Very limited choices. I think Yuki Yaki is now a better choice than Seoul Garden. Did not buy anything much for my ah dear. Just a box of chocolates for her. But I decorated my room ceiling with orange and blue glow in the dark stars.

When you off the light and lookup, the view is very spectacular, but unfortunately it will only last 5 minutes after that you need to on the light again to “recharge” the stars. It is kinda romantic and it will help you to relive your stress.

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Internet Explorer 7 Released

The final version of Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 7 is now out. It is available for Windows XP SP 2, Windows 2003 32-bit, Windows 2003/XP 64-bit and Windows 2003 ia64. Windows XP SP 1 users, I think you need to upgrade to SP 2 before you can install IE7.

» Windows XP SP2
» Windows 2003 32-bit
» Windows 2003/XP 64-bit
» Windows 2003 ia64

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Suck In Programming

I maybe good in web programming, but when comes to Java/C/C++/VB etc, thinking of the algorithms makes me feel so helpless and make wonder why the heck I go study, I should go out work as web programmer.

But when I managed to solve the algorithm, that thought just disappears.

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VivoCity Officially Opens

VivoCity is Singapores largest retail, leisure and entertainment destination. It is just located beside Harbour Front

VivoCity is a vibrant, multi-experiential retail and leisure destination. It flows with energy. It immerses you in its blend of activities , new retail concepts, multi-anchor tenants and an evolving retail environment. And it stimulates your senses, allowing you to craft your own “Vivo” experiences.

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