IGRA Is Tough Actually
Went to school in the morning to do TBCM, left school about 1pm for lunch at Bugis. Was very hungry as I did not ate dinner last night and breakfast this morning. LOL
Went to OG at Albert’s Complex to look-see look-see. After that went to Sim Lim Square for a walk. Still could not find my idea PDA plus handphone. 65k colors, bluetooth, Pocket PC 2002 and Camera. LOL
Was stuck in the rain for sometime before going back to bugis for some snacks at Mos Burger. Time Crisis 3 is out in the arcade, but the graphics is still like Time Crisis 2. Quite bad.
Came home did my IGRA assignment. Guess I under estimated it. It is much harder than I thought. Sighz. Only managed to do rotation and scaling. Don’t know what else to add. I wanted to add rotating camera and changing textures, but could not work =(.