Suppose to go for school National’s Day celebration, end up cannot make it because I got a meeting with my client. And I still get the free red polo shirt. lol
Had meeting with my client all the way to 7.30pm. Discussed mainly abt the CBT issue. The coding of the CBT looks very challenging. Think need at least 2x the time and effort as compared to Quietroom. Wonder can we finished in time or not as we are behind schedule.
Had dinner at People’s Park hawker center. Ate the tom yam soup with rice and it taste lousy. The hawker center is very big. Haha, can get lost.
Haiz this is bad, RIAA(Recording Industry Association of America) and RIAS(Recording Industry Association of Singapore) is getting very strict on p2p. Here and here. Now better think twice before downloading from p2p, whether is it Kaaza, BitTorrent or Emule.