
Width Of The Site

I have changed the width of this site from 600px to 800px.

Back in 2003 when I designed this layout, 800×600 is still quite the normal resolution for most computers so in order to make this site layout compatible with 800px in width, I chose 600px as the width.

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Thai Glico Dinner

Thai Glico Dinner
Had the annual Thai Glico Dinner at Wan Hao: Chinese Restaurant which is located at Marriott Hotel. The boss seems to like Wan Hao a lot and I think this is the 4th of 5th consecutive times we have eaten there. A $1000 per table (they always booked 2 tables) dinner and free flow of whatever drinks you like is just too good to resist. Food is more than great, it is excellent. In regards to pricing, it is very expensive =(

Samsung YP-K3
I want to thank Kelvin Lee, Delicia Tan from Edelman and Serene Chan from Samsung for the great lunch at Carnivore and of course the sponsored Samsung YP-K3 MP3 Player. Thank you guys so much! I will feedback you guys about the MP3 player and help spread the word. See you all soon at WCG this August.

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Surf’s Up

Surf’s Up
Caught this show out of a sudden today at GV Marina. The show was quite boring, but the CG is good, especially the water effects and animations. Respect goes out to all the CG artists.

If anyone of you is wondering what plugin/script I am using for my Downloads Page, it is called WP-DownloadManager (I just named it) and it is available for download. This WordPress plugin is still in beta stages.

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Communicasia 2007

Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer
Caught this movie last Sunday at GV VivoCity, it was a 12:00pm show, been a long time since I caught a afternoon show, and they were LOTS of kids in the cinema and as usual with kids come noises, but when the show starts, they kept quiet, looks like their parents did their job well.

The show was average, storyline does not follow the comics and the special effects was disappointing. I will not elaborate much as I afraid I will be the spoiler.

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Shrek 3, Zodiac

Shrek 3
Caught Shrek 3 2 weeks ago at GV VivoCity, it was a Friday midnight show and I asked LiXiang if she was tired because she was the one who suggested to watch a movie on that day. But her nickname “sleepy” lives up to her reputation, she felt asleep before the movie starts while they are airing the advertisements. I think after that, she woke up every now and then to catch a glimpse of the movie. Poor dear.

I watched Shrek 1 and Shrek 2 before and I can say that Shrek 3 was not a bad sequel and it is definitely better than Spideman 3 or even POTC 3.

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My WordPress Plugins June 2007 Update

It is 1st June 2007 over my side (GMT+8) while the rest of the world may still be at 31st May 2007. I am proud to present to you my 12 updated plugins out of a total of 14 plugins. Most of them are just bugs fixes and some new minor features here and there. The plugins that changes the most are WP-Polls, WP-PageNavi, WP-Ban, WP-DBManager and of course WP-Sticky is now 1.00 instead of 1.00 beta 2.

WP-Polls now feature multiple options, future poll scheduling, poll data log mining and some parts of the admin backend are now AJAXed.

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Microsoft Surfacing Computing

I guess we all saw the multi touch system which was on YouTube quite sometime ago, but wait until you see the video of Microsoft Surfacing Computing. It took my breath away. I was like WTF? Is this even possible.

The launch of Microsoft Surface marks the beginning of a new technology category and a user-interface revolution. Surface, Microsofts first surface computer, provides effortless interaction with digital content through natural hand gestures, touch and physical objects. Surface computing breaks down traditional barriers between people and technology, changing the way people interact with all kinds of everyday information ” from photos to maps to menus.

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Caught Next last week at GV VivoCity, the movie was not bad, slightly above average. My eyes was glued to the big screen practically throughout the whole movie, it was quite a action packed flim. Next movie I am going to watch is POTC 3: At World’s End at GV VivoCity also, I got 4 free tickets thanks to my mom and OCBC =D

Been busy doing lots of web programming, both for my freelance job and WordPress plugins. I hope I can finished my freelance job ASAP and get the rest of the money (60%). 40% was paid to me upfront. My client is quite good, he did the design and I did the programming and translating psd layout to xhtml layout. And the changes that he made are always very minor. I can’t stand those noob clients who keep changing and changing and those changes are major changes, we are talking about layout and not typos/font/alignment/position. Screw them.

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