Well, animating a simple walking box is not as easy as it seems to be, total of about 7 steps involved, the lecturer cannot even finish these 7 steps in 1 pratical lesson, just image how difficult it is or how slow we are.
Played 3 rounds of Warcraft III ladder game with Reaper, how sad, we lost all 3 rounds, nevermind, I will play more often if I have the time, so many assignments needed to hand in and so little time.
*Update* Created a new signature and avatar for forums purposes. Signature and Avatar
I hate DEUI, boring lecturer, idiotic practical teacher, she basically just walk around the lab and ask students to close this close that, suck it. Never even conduct a proper lesson, we are not supposed to surf the internet except for the ESP website. What kind of shit rule is this?
Woot, my CANI assignment 1 proposal is approved by my lecturer, and I am allowed to use FBS – Ya MaMa for my animation music. CANI assignment 2 will be in group work, we did the treatment, will be sending an email over to the lecturer tomorrow to get his approval before we continue.
I went to SP main library at about 2 pm to do some research on the company annual report as our P&Q2 assignment 1 requires us to analyze it. Company we chose is DBS Holdings.
Reached home at 6pm, played Warcraft III with Phuse, 67th, Firezai etc… until 9.30pm, played 3 rounds, first round lose, the next 2 rounds we won.
Finally I had finished my CANI assignment 1 proposal, will be handing up to my lecturer for him to go through, will be using “Fat Boy Slim – Ya Mama” as the music for the animation.
Ok, updated the site with a new feature, enables you to choose this site color scheme, it is available on the left site under “Your Info”. Once you choose it, changes to the site will be taken place on the next page. I still unable to solve this problem yet, maybe something to do with refreshing, but I tired, it cannot work, if anyone knows how to solve it, please give me a mail, your help will be greatly apperaciated.
Changed the polls and shoutbox module layout, the audio module will remain as the default color, when I free I will go and edit the audio module.
Bought the CD Rack I wanted at Ikea today, well the rack is 160cm(L)x111cm(W), almost as tall as me, thanks to my uncle’s MPV, I am able to transport it home, normal car I don’t think it will be possible to fit into it. The rack cost $198, not a bad buy, now my computer table is very neat, all my cds and other stuffs are placed in the rack, it is that big.
Well took my first driving theory lessons earlier on, lasted 100 minutes, the teacher is very humourous. After the lesson, I can conclude that the driving theory is not that easy as I thought, but nevertheless, I need to pass it no matter what.
Watched the movie today, all time slots are sold out except the midnight slot, lucky for us we had booked it earlier, theatre was packed, show lasted 1 hour and 20 minutes. The show is funny, but storyline not that good, the first sequel was better, and the movie was too short. Shall not be the spolier, watch it and you will know.
Played 3 hours of Counter-Strike today 1 hour before the movie and 2 hour after the movie at E-2-E, the players there are newbies and not much people playing CS. We trash them of course, but the CS is version 1.1, which is much better then version 1.3 and above.
Hmm, learn to animate realistic bouncing balls and pendulum during my computer animation pratical lesson. Had 3 games of Warcraft III just now, all 3 rounds we won, did not really play well, no form, lolz
Confirm watching MIB:II tomorrow at Plaza Singapure, 4.50pm show, Row J, thanks to Shaun who help ask book the sit through VISA, if not I don’t think they will be any seats left by the end of today.
Yap, today is my mom actual birthday date. Happy Birthday Mom.
Went to Marche at Suntec City for dinner, ate steaks, pizzas, etc… bill total up to about $82. Very filling dinner. Later will be the cake cutting session, I bought the cake yesterday from Swesens at Plaza Singapura after watching The Eye. Cookies And Cream…….Yummy
9am to 11am, Web Programming(WWWP) practical lesson, boring lesson at the start of the day, teaches all those simple webpage stuffs, code up 5 pages in notepad. Some uses dreamweaver and some uses notepad. Basic HTML knowledge, later on we will learn Javascript and XML, and thats what I am waiting for.
11am to 1pm, Design For User Interactive(DEUI) practical lesson, also another boring lesson, teaches all those newbie flash stuffs, and it is basically crap. Should teach Macromedia Director 8.5 instead. Lunch break in just 10 mins time, followed by a lecture and another practical then home sweet home at 5pm.