
Ninja Turtle

Hmm, learn to animate realistic bouncing balls and pendulum during my computer animation pratical lesson. Had 3 games of Warcraft III just now, all 3 rounds we won, did not really play well, no form, lolz

Confirm watching MIB:II tomorrow at Plaza Singapure, 4.50pm show, Row J, thanks to Shaun who help ask book the sit through VISA, if not I don’t think they will be any seats left by the end of today.

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Happy Birthday Mom

Yap, today is my mom actual birthday date. Happy Birthday Mom.

Went to Marche at Suntec City for dinner, ate steaks, pizzas, etc… bill total up to about $82. Very filling dinner. Later will be the cake cutting session, I bought the cake yesterday from Swesens at Plaza Singapura after watching The Eye. Cookies And Cream…….Yummy

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NotePad And Flash

9am to 11am, Web Programming(WWWP) practical lesson, boring lesson at the start of the day, teaches all those simple webpage stuffs, code up 5 pages in notepad. Some uses dreamweaver and some uses notepad. Basic HTML knowledge, later on we will learn Javascript and XML, and thats what I am waiting for.

11am to 1pm, Design For User Interactive(DEUI) practical lesson, also another boring lesson, teaches all those newbie flash stuffs, and it is basically crap. Should teach Macromedia Director 8.5 instead. Lunch break in just 10 mins time, followed by a lecture and another practical then home sweet home at 5pm.

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CANI & Warcraft III

Wooo, finally can animate something which looks abit realistic after today’s CANI pratical, 6 more weeks to first CANI individual assignment deadine.

1st time played Warcraft III over BattleNet since I bought the orginal box. Played with Reaper, Faze, Maxima, Phuse, Tidal, Firezai…etc. Played 3 rounds, 6v6, 6v6 and 5v5, all 3 rounds we won, pro aren’t we? As what Reaper said, we played weeks before them, so technically we cheated. LOL.

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Function Curve

Hmm learn the most important part of computer animation according to my lecturer which is called “The Function Curve”, if you cannot understand that part, you will fail this module.

Finish coding my schooling stuffs for my reference, click here to view it. Just some simple stuffs.

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Went to Ikea in the afternoon for lunch with my family, because my uncle wants to shop for furnitures there for his new house, saw 1 CD rack that can hold 880 CDs, took down the measurements and came back home and measure to see whether it fits, but who knows? It fits nicely, will be getting that next week, cost about $198, my mom also bought a movable coffee table to replace the old and bulky one.

Went to Old Kallang Airport the market for my dinner, because Yummy King said that the wan ton mee there is very nice, queued for 30 minutes, tried it, and it doesn’t taste that special. I still prefer the one at Lavender Food Center.

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Minority Report

Went to eat the seafood buffet lunch, ok the buffet sucks. Thats all I can say and have to say. Later on we went to Orchard and we spilt. 3 of my friends and I went to watch Monority Report at Plaza Singapura, and the remaining of them went to East Coast Park, don’t know for what.

4 time slots for the show, 3 sold out left 1 slot at 6.15pm but 3rd row from the front, althought is very front, but is not too bad, no need to strain my neck to watch the movie. Movies last 2 hours and 30 minutes. The show is very good and it really deserved 4 stars.

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Friends Birthday

School ended at 1pm for me, went to Bugis Junction to eat teppanyaki with my poly classmates, later on I went to Funan and bought the Microsoft SideWinder Game Pad for $39.90 just to play FIFA World Cup 2002. LOL

Went out again at 6.30pm to buy presents for my 3 friends who will be celebrating their birthday tomorrow, bought a cap, wallet and a pouch for them at Hereen. Hmmm, steamboat buffet at Hotel Royal, that will be the place they will be treating us. Been there once and from my point of view, the steamboat is not really that good, but again that is don’t know how many years back.

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Happy 4th July

Happy 4th July to all Americans, its Independence Day for them.

Just came home from school, had a very “breakful” day today, altogether 4h30mins of break. Last year, when I took OOPG(Object Oriented Programming), we used codes to design user GUI, but now lecturer taught us a much faster way, all you need is just to click, same as how you design a webpage on Frontpage or Dreamweaver. Need to create a “simple” animation using Jbuilder and pass up tomorrow. Looks tough, but I try to, if I have the time, I will try out tomorrow CANI practical work.

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