Thanks to Li Xiang for the graduation gift, she bought it for me when we are in Hong Kong During April 2010! Meet Dahhhh, the rabbit from Raving Rabbids!
This year NUS Commencement 2010 for School of Computing is on Wednesday, 7th July 2010 at 8pm! Seriously hate the 8pm slot because after the ceremony ended or even before it started it is already at night and can’t really take good pictures.
After 2 years in Kindergarten, 6 years in Primary school, 4 years in Secondary school, 3 years in Polytechnic and 3 1/2 years in University, I have finally completed my course of study after 18 1/2 years! Went to Taiwan with Weiquan (knew him since Polytechnic), Kelvin and Hong Jun for our graduate trip for 7 days 6 nights.
Took my last exams paper in NUS last Thursday on 3rd December 2009. It was an evening paper so it lasted from 5pm till 7pm. So technically I have graduated, but I can only double confirm it when my results are out on the 22nd December 2009.
Looking back last year on the 14th December 2008, I was also going to Taiwan.
I finally clicked on the magical link called “File For Graduation” as I will be graduating this semester. My last paper will be on the 3rd December 2009! My course is a 4 years course but because I was from polytechnic (Singapore Polytechnic) I got 33 Module Credits (MC) exemption which adds up to about half a year worth of modules and hence I graduate one semester or half a year earlier! Woot