
The Benchwarmers

The Benchwarmers
As we got nothing to do on Sunday, we decided to catch a movie, it was kind of a last minute decision. We were choosing between The Benchwarmers and The Nun, but end up watching The Benchwarmers because we seldom watch horror show. My expectation for Benchwarmers was quite low, but it turn out to be opposite of what I expected, it was quite heart warming. It was very humorous that I almost laugh throughout the whole show.

Camp’s Internet Down
For the whole of last week, my camp’s Internet connection was down due to a lighting strike which causes the server to trip. But now it is back up and running.

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X-Men 3: The Last Stand

X-Men 3: The Last Stand
Caught X-Men 3 on Saturday with LiXiang, Laily and Suqin, luckily I book the tickets on Monday as it was selling like hot cakes.

The movie is around 2 hours long and it suppose to be the last installation of the X-Men trilogy. Somehow I find X1 was quite disappointing, X2 was not bad and X3 was average. This time much more CG was used, more mutants are showing their power now. CG was good, but storyline I felt it was a bit rushing, they try to compress everything into 2 hours. Nevertheless when Magneto lifted the Golden Gate Bridge, it was very spectacular. I seriously hope there is a X4.

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The Da Vinci Code

Over The Hedge
Caught Over The Hedge at GV Jurong Point on Friday. I kinda like the movie, so far one of the best cartoon movies I saw. From my point of view, I think it is better than In The Wild. But LiXiang thinks otherwise.

Supper At Bukit Timah
Met up with Suqin, Laily and Wei Jian after the movie for supper at Bukit Timah and boy it was crowded.

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Manhattan Fish Market
Met up with Kenny and his girlfriend on Monday last week for dinner, we ate at Manhattan Fish Market. It is similar to Fish & Co, but the prices there are relatively cheaper. For examples the fish & chips at Manhattan is $9.90 whereas at Fish & Co, it is $13.90. In terms of quality of the food, I think Fish & Co is much better.

Caught Poseidon at GV Grand on Thursday at 11.30pm. My dear cannot tahan weekday midnight movie, before the movie starts, she fell asleep, I think this is the 2nd time she fell asleep on a weekday midnight movie. LOL

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Mission Impossible III

Mission Impossible III
Caught MI: 3 on Saturday at GV Grand, the movie was not bad, I think it is better than MI:II in terms of everything. But the movie is rather short. They did not mention what the rabbit’s foot is and how Ethan Hunt went into the building and retrieve it. Had some coffee and cake at Spinelli before the movie start. The new banana cheesecake at Spinelli is very nice, all banana lovers should try it.

Uberburger at Millenia Walk is famous for their $101 burger, which consist of 180g wagyu beef patty with a piece of seared foie gras embedded inside, truffle cream sauce and salad greens tossed in champagne dressing. Of course I am not so rich to eat that and I don’t really like foie gras. I ate the $32 wagyu beef burger, which I mistaken it for $22. The menu can be quite misleading if you do not read it carefully. Don’t believe me, go to the site and download the menu and you will know what I mean. Anyway, LiXiang ate the double d chicken breast burger. We drank the soup of the day where they call it soup kettle, it is some cold tomato soup and it taste weird, I don’t think soup is meant to be drank cold.

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