
End Of Tests

Yap, no more test until the end of the semester. Today WWWP paper was easy, made a few careless mistakes, if not I think I will be able to get full marks. Sigh.

Went to Plaza Singapura to watch Stuart Little 2 after my WWWP test, show lasted for about 80 minutes, not a bad show, the cat is so funny. LOL

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WWWP Written Test

Today CANI pratical test was easy, almost exactly the same as past year paper. Alot of problems happen before the test, students not allocated to computers, not enough computers etc. This shows that during CANI pratical lessons there was never one time which had full attendance, and the register shows full attendence. LOL. Because of these problems, the test start at 12.30pm and end at 2.30pm.

Tomorrow will be my last test, WWWP (Web Programming) written test. Hope it is easy, been doing web programming for almost 4 years. Hope it is no kick to me. But nevertheless, NEVER be too over confident. Good luck and pray hard =)

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CANI Pratical Test

Today’s DSAL pratical test was difficult, hope I can pass it. Started doing it, thought it was easy, when come to ending so difficult, DIE.

Stayed back after school to about 5pm to do CANI assignment 2 storyboarding with my group, as usual I did not help out in the drawing, because my art simply sucks. That is a fact, I don’t deny it. LOL

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DSAL Pratical Test

Spent the whole afternoon studying for the DSAL pratical test which will be taking place tomorrow. Went to Changi Airport Terminal 1 to fetch my uncle, and on the way took my dinner at the Swensens there. Woo, my baby cousin is finally out of hospital after 2 months. He stayed in the hospital for about 2 months due to pre-mature.

Created a new wallpaper, getting sick of the old one, so decided to create a new one. Hehe

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Meet Up

Meet my poly friends at Tiong Bahru Plaza, went for lunch at the foodcourt, long time since I ate there, some new stalls have popup. Later they went to my house to do CANI assignment 1 storyboarding. As usual my art sucks, so I didn’t help out much.

Meet my seconday school friends in the evening at our usual hang out place, at the chicken rice stall and the tao hui stall near Peace Center. Ate shredded chicken noodle for my dinner and of course tao hui as my desert. Took a bus to Boat Quey and walk around there. After some walking, we went to Mac Donalds to sit down and talk, as it has been weeks since we last met, alot of things to catch up.

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Eight Legged Freaks

Watched Eight Legged Freaks at GV Marina, show lasted for about 1h 45mins, well this show is meant to be funny than scary. LOL. Wonder why 8days only give it 2.5 stars rating, it deserved a 3.5 stars or higher ratings. I watched a total of 8 movies this month (August). Hehe, almost $85 spent on movies.

Went to Comex 2002 earlier on, well nothing much, it is almost the same every year. Crowded and the same old stuffs. Saw the 750mb zip drive, can’t imagine it cost $299 and the zip disc cost $18.90, and the price of 250mb zip drive drop to $199.

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Lilio & Stitch

Watched Lilio & Stitch this afternoon, show lasted about 90 minutes. Well overall the show is not bad, most Disney cartoons never fail us.

Slept at 5am the other nite after some rounds of Worms 2, didn’t even win a single round of mahjong, no luck in gambling. Sad.

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Acting Part II

Woo, at Jack’s house posting this blog now, had 1 round of mahjong, lose, didn’t even win 1 round. Sigh, they all watching television now, later continue. I am sure my lunch will be better later on. Hehe

I went to my classmate’s house to do the filming, from 1 pm film all the way to about 6 pm, dragged too long. Boring, my part is done, so they don’t need me anymore. LOL

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Acting Part I

Wake up so early today, my definition of early is 10am for your infomation. LOL. Went to school to act in my friends video production assignment. As usual, the first few shots was all NG, need some warming up, shooting starts at about 12pm. About 3pm we get used to it, and I can say that we are getting the hang of it. Hehe. Came back about 7pm and went to eat my favourite duck noodle as dinner. Yummy.

Tomorrow will counitnue the 2nd part of my acting, will be going to Tanah Merah, which is very far for me. LOL. After all the acting, will be staying overnight at my friend house to play mahjong. Hehe, then on Thusday will be watching Lilio & Stitch with them.

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Austin Powers : Gold Member

Watched Austin Powers : Gold Member today, although have some bad impression of the show before hand, but after watching the show, I find that the show is actually not bad, it is lame but funny at the same time. LOL

Ate Seoul Garden before that, well, I must say Seoul Garden has changed alot, we still can get student prices, but we need to pay for the soup which is $3 and towels too. This is lame, altogether 1 person need to pay about $17. Expensive.

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