Went to Tiong Bahru Plaza for lunch with Lian, ate the sliced fish porridge something which is “light” as I am still sick. Wow, after reading my classmates’ blogs then I realise many of them got sick too, it must be a sickening week I guess. LOL

Woo, my mom do really sells lots of products, the product list is 5 pages, with an average of 50 products on 1 page, thats make about 250 products(including different packaging). Left 16 products images more to upload and I need to add in the item code and price for all the 50(including the 16). After that is done, I still need to take pictures of some more products.

Been really busy or rather lazy to go take for my evaluation aka “prelims” for my BTT(Basic Theory Test) and to book the BTT test date.

Tomorrow(12mn), the results of my end-semester exams will be out, I will know whether I pass/fail which modules, but the grades weill be out on 23rd November 2002. Wishing all students score well for all their modules. =)