Went to the Adidas Sale yesterday at Suntec City Conventional Center. The hall is very big, this it don’t look crowded. Didn’t bought anything from there because nothing fancies me. Most of them are just old stocks. Normally this type of sale is just to clear away the old stock and to make way for the new stocks/design.

Head over to Heeren later because my parents want to buy Adidas’s shoes and my brother wanted to buy a polo shirt, and I got 10% off because of the Heer card. I will definitely renew my Heer card when it expires, the card is really worth it. It really rewards you with lots of benefits when you shop at Heeren. My dad bought a ROM series shoes. Something like Superstar. He told me that this shoe has been around for almost 30 years. And when he was young he could not afford it. Now he just bought it without thinking. I also bought 1 fourskin t-shirt while my brother bought 2. My mom has been telling me not to buy anymore t-shirts.

Been down with a bloody flu, must be got it from my brother and he must have got it from my auntie. Stupid body virus definitions not updated, maybe I should consider taking the flu jab.

Did nothing productive for my ITP because I was sick and could not think properly, all I was thinking was to sleep, rest and of course eat.

Guess I will not be joining my friends for the backpack trip to Malaysia which going to last 20 days. I need to help out my mom during the last week of May because there is a 6 days food expo going on at Singapore Expo, and I do not know whether my Army Letter will come in June, abit dangerous. At first it was Redang and it going to last for 4 days, and I was quite excited and looking forward to it, but guess now I am disappointed. Hope I can go with my family someday. Looking on the brighter side, I can save $500 and use it on my iPod.

Just 11 days more to the IT show and my 2nd pay =D

Charlene passed her TP finally and she got only 4 points. Haha, congratulations.