Apple iPad Air (Silver 16GB) (Wi-Fi + Cellular)
Both of my iPads are starting to show it’s age because it lags in everything it does. So it is time for an upgrade! I wanted to get the iPad Mini Retina but in the end I chose the iPad Air because of the bigger screen (easier for Li Xiang to do her sketching).
Sold my iPad 1 (16GB) (Wi-Fi + 3G) and iPad 2 (Black 32GB) (Wi-Fi + 3G) on Carousell in just one weekend for S$150 and S$310 respectively!
I ordered the iPad Air (Silver 16GB) (Wi-Fi + Cellular) for S$870 and iPad Air Smart Case – Brown for S$118 on the 30th November 2013.
I am supposed to receive my iPad Air Smart Case on the 4th December 2013 and the iPad Air on the 11th December 2013 but Apple is so efficient that I received both on the 3rd December 2013 (at different timing)! The iPad Air Smart Case was sent by TA-Q-BIN while the iPad Air was sent by DHL Express.