Didn’t went to school today. Nothing to discuss for us programmers. Watched Tomb Raider 2: Cradle Of Life with Reaper and gang. Before the show played an hour of LAN at E-Games. Long time since I been there. Anyway, E-Zone at Cineleisure has closed down. Kinda sad, it has been there for many years liao and all those memories. LOL
The movie lasted 1 hour and 45 minutes. So-so only the movie. According to Klaus, Cineleisure opened a new restaurant. Is 2-in-1 Japanese BBQ. The plate can cook both food and can make ice cream. Very unique. One day must go try that.
Had breakfast at some cantonese restaurant today at Apollo Center. It is the worst tim sum I have ever eaten. Paid $79 for this type of lousy tim sum. I still think that Lei Garden is still the best tim sum restaurant in Singapore.
Went to Waterloo Street to pray after that. Prayed for my driving, my grandmother also prayed because she is not feeling good. Went to Orchard after that with my family before meeting my friends at 3pm.
Went to Suntec City with Reaper for a walk to look for my friend’s gift. Bought it from a shop beside Giordano, the name of the shop just slipped off my mind. The shop sales woman really provide excellent customer even though we are just students. I just can’t really stand those shop which look down on us, students. Is like we give them an impression that we are just to see see and not interested in it and abit heck care us.
Went to Boon Tong Kee at River Valley for dinner. The menu changed alot and the standard of food dropped. The portion also decrease in size but price remains the same.
Didn’t went to school today, thus slept till 1pm today. Went for lunch with my Mom at Chin Swee Road hawker center.
My grandmother is feeling sick but after consulting many doctors and taking x-rays, doctors say she is fine, nothing is wrong. I think older generation people worry and think too much. They are fine, but their mind keeping telling them they are sick. Haiz.
Nothing much to blog about yesterday. Tried out ASP with MS SQL, it works. Somehow I find ASP is similar to PHP and not as complicated as ASP.NET. Hope still can make it as we do not have a choice but to use ASP with MS SQL.
Was very sleepy in school today, maybe not enough sleep on the previous day. Nowadays I somehow like to take MRT to Tiong Bahru then take 123 home rather than taking 147/14 then change to 275. Funny. Duration almost the same.
Just when we are about to get started programming for our FYP. Another major problem came out. The IT personnal emailed me saying that they do not have the .NET framework installed. Now whatever stuffs we lean about ASP.NET is somehow wasted. Argh, now must think of some solutions.
Seriously, the start of this semester hasn’t been very good for me. Lots of bad things happen to me and the fyp. Haiz =(
Slept at 2.30am last night. Was playing CS with my friends. Woke up at around 11.30am today.
Had breakfast at Amara Hotel. Ate the Korean food. Opposite Amara Hotel, there is a condominium showflat. Not too sure of its name. I think the manager there is one of the actors of Unbeatables II. A unit of it cost around $1 million. =_=!
Went for dinner with my secondary school friends at Marina South steamboat. One of them is going in to army soon. So this dinner is so called his last dinner. LOL. He will be enlisting on 28th of this month. Marina South is always so crowded on weekends. The bus 400 always so full, so no choice have to walked all the way from the MRT to the steamboat there. Around 45 minutes walk.
Total 12 of us, sat in 3 joined circular tables. Stayed there for almost 2 hours, talking and eating. Haha. Makes me temporay forget my sadness for the past few hours.
Went to school for ASP.NET crash course for about 2 hours. Know a little bit more. Still prefer lecturers than book.
Went to my mom’s office to help out with her computer stuffs. It brings back good memories about Lian and I when she was working for my mom last year. For that past 2 months, went to fetch her from work. And now in a blink of an eye, it is gone.