Singtel will be bringing in the first Google Android powered mobiles phones to Asia (Singapore included), the HTC Dream.
Singapore, 5 February 2009 – Singapore Telecommunications Limited (SingTel) and HTC Corporation, a global leader in mobile phone innovation and design, today unveiled the first Android powered mobile phone released in Asia – the HTC Dream. Customers of SingTel and its wholly-owned subsidiary in Australia, Optus, will soon be the first in Asia to enjoy this highly anticipated device.
Time to mention/advertise about the .sg domain I have bought for about 2 years, On the front end, is my personal RSS aggregator whereas on the back end, it acts as my personal URL shorterner.
Some minor updates to and hence I bump the site version to 3.30:
The remaining optimization involved upgrading my plugins used on this site as well to WordPress 2.8 nightly which is not recommended for a production site and hence I will only further optimize this site’s JavaScript when WordPress 2.8 comes out in March/April.
In a blink of an eye, this year Lunar New Year is almost over. Tomorrow is the 7th day of Lunar New Year which is also called “Ren Ri”. In English, it means people day aka everybody birthday. Lunar New Year celebration normally last for 15 days.
Lunar New Year is getting a little repetitive and boring as we grow up, sooner or later, the current or next generation of people will just treat it as another public holiday.
This week is my second week of school. Tutorials going to start next week and projects are already started coming in. Going to get real busy after Lunar New Year. That basically sums up my school life so far.
JavaScript In My WordPress Plugins
I have been making use of some of my free time last week to convert 5 of my plugins that uses JavaScript to use jQuery JavaScript Framework instead and also replaced the SACK AJAX Framework to jQuery as well. Instead of including packed JavaScript using Dean Edwards Packer, I replaced it with minified JavaScript using YUI Compressor. Minified JavaScript has better performance even though it is slightly larger in file size when compared to packed JavaScript because the browser do not need to unpacked the packed JavaScript. Also, I have moved the JavaScript from the header down to the footer as it gives better loading times. You can read about it in details on my WordPress Plugins Blog.
I was invited to the Singtel’s Flagship Shop located at #B1-98/99 in the new Jurong Point 2nd Extension (JP2) by Ivy. We are given a tour around the store as well as introduction or some of the unique store features.
The store feature 4 external interactive displays, 2 on each side. You can get to know more information Singtel’s Products without the need to enter the store or when the store is closed. While I was there waiting, I notice that many people who passes by cannot resist the temptation of not touching the screen.
Last Wednesday, Apple Store (Singapore) had a special one-day shopping event and are offering discounts in their online store. The discounts for Apple products is quite pathetic, imagine only S$20 off for iPod Nano only. If you are intending to buy it long ago, S$20 is definitely better than nothing but it will not attract you to buy. However the discounts for 3rd party products/software are quite good. I bought the Belkin Auto Charger For iPod And iPhone for S$30 (including delivery). The usual price is S$37. It is about 19% discount. Bought it on Wednesday and it got delivered to me on Friday.
Went to Jakarta, Indonesia over the weekend to attend a Sugih’s wedding, 1 day to be precise. My Valuair flight is on the 9th January 2009 at 1:35pm and the returning flight is on the 10th January 2009 at 3:20pm.
I will be taking the following modules this coming semester which starts on the 12th January 2009:
CS4252 – Control, Audit and Security of IS (4 MCs) [1 PT]
CS4361 – Service Systems (4 MCs) [1 PT]
CS4267 – IT and Supply Chain Management (4 MCs) [1PT]
ST2334 – Probability and Statistics (4 MCs) [1 PT]