Aqara Curtain Driver E1 (Track Version) is cheaper, retailing for S$138.90, while the Rod Version retails for S$148.90. You can get them both on Souky’s Shopee Store or Souky’s Lazada Store. You can get it cheaper than the price I indicated, as discounts are often offered on either platform.
Aqara Curtain Driver E1 (Track Version) – Box Front
Aqara Motion Sensor P1 is a battery-powered motion sensor using two CR2450 batteries. It has a 5-years battery life on paper, but I am skeptical about it. If the battery could last me for more than a year, it is good enough for me.
Aqara Water Leak Sensor is an IP67 dustproof and waterproof sensor that can detect when an area comes into contact with water and then trigger some home automation.
My use case is not to trigger some automation but to let me know when the drainage system under my sink is overflowing with soap lather. Often, this is due to using too much soap when washing the dishes.
TVOC stands for Total Volatile Organic Compounds. TVOC groups a wide range of organic chemical compounds to simplify reporting when these are present in ambient air or emissions.
I have used multiple Google Nest Cam in my current house, which has served me well. The connection is stable. The only time it went down was when my Internet was down. I even subscribe to Nest Aware for ten days of 24/7 video recording. I have integrated my Nest Cams to Apple HomeKit using Homebridge with Homebridge Nest Cam Plugin. The integration works well as well.
For my new house, which I hope to move into in Q4 2023, I am seeing if I can integrate smart home devices directly into HomeKit without running Homebridge on my Synology NAS.