Yap, today is Singapore 37th birthday. Singapore gain independence in 9th August 1965. Happy Birthday Singapore!~!~!~!
Watch Signs today, not a bad show, at lease it was better than Mimic2, the show lasted for 2 hours. Wanted to watch the 4.45pm show, went there at 3pm and the tickets all sold out. Bought the 7pm tickets at about 4pm, almost full house also, sat on the 4th row from the front.
If You can see this piece of news, means the site is fully migrated to the new host. You may need to fill in some form elements again because the cookies stored in your computer is under pixercor.net and not orientek.net.
The site migration is very successful, all database tables are up and running, no data is lost. http://www.gamerz.per.sg will redirect to here by 10am tomorrow morning.
Went to Tanglin Halt to eat the duck noodle, because it has shifted from Pasir Panjang, it is still as good. My mom from young had been eating from the stall, what a long history that stall has. LOL.
Will be watcing The Signs tomorrow at Cineleisure Orchard with my poly friends. Shows start at 4.45pm, can’t really be borthered to watch nation day parade. Its just the same old thing every year, don’t know why so many people queue overnight for the tickets. If it is given free to me, I also will reject it.
I will be moving this site to a new host very soon, PixerCor is closing down, and so is the domain and hosting will be gone. Please always access this site through http://www.gamerz.per.sg. Just for your info, the new URL will be http://www.orientek.net/kore/gamerz/. Hehe Thanks alot.
I am uploading and configuring all the stuffs now. Hope everything will be completed before Sunday.
Catch “The Touch” at Lot 1 Shopping mall just now, well the show is not bad, storyline is kinda good but the downside of the show is the animation sucks big time. LOL.
Bought Heart Attack 5 from Music Junction, 3CDs, will be ripping them soon, after that the CD will be collecting dust.
Completed 700+ words for my P&Q2 assignment 2, 800 more words to go and 10 more days to deadline. Will be starting my CANI assignment 1 in the practical lessons tomorrow. Cannot afford to slack anymore.
Lost 3 rounds and won 1 round of Warcraft 3, how sad. My teamates all sucks except for the winning round. Blzzard has a matching system that is lousy, matches 2 level 5 players with 2 level 10 players, what the heck man.
6th week of school started today, handed in my DEUI assignment, total of 16 pages. As usual computer labs are to the capacity, everyone is rushing for their job, thier last minute jobs, typical for students nowadays. I don’t denied the fact that I am one of them actually last time.
Started my P&Q assignment 2 today, deadline will be on 16th August 2002, 1.5k words report on strategic managment on Raffles Hotel. I had learnt my lessons last time for last minute jobs, so now I always start early.
Woke up at 1.30pm today, can’t blame me for that, I slept at about 3am last night after coding the image gallery pages, and furthermore it was raining in the morning. Good time to sleep, doesn’t happen eveyday.
Went to Waterloo Street the temple there to pray while on my way to Sim Lim Square, my mom wanted to go SLS to buy UPS for her office computers as power trips is common there and alot of data is lost because of that. The UPS is cheap compared to last time, a APC 500AV UPS cost $118.
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Just watched it at Plaza Singapura in the afternoon, I was surprise that the show was not full house, while other movies such as Signs and The Touch where all sold out. Well the show was not that nice actually, storyline was crap. The show lasted about 90 minutes. Alot of nice movies are coming out soon like Reign Of Fire, K-19, The Tux, Harry Potter 2, LOTR : Twin Towers, XXX etc.
Woot, tomorrow no driving lessons for me, can sleep until very late, and stay up late to play Warcraft 3, 2v2 ladder is much easier to play then arrange team, won 2, lost 2.