
Cisco Linksys EA4500 Router Review + Giveaway

Cisco launched the new Cisco Linksys EA4500 Router that is retailing for S$299 back in June 2012. It incorporates the new Cisco Connect Cloud which enables you to connect, control and interact with your router and it’s connected devices wherever you are as long as you are connected to the Internet.

Specifications (From WikiDevi)

Cisco Linksys EA4500 - Box Front
Cisco Linksys EA4500 – Box Front

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LunaTik Touch Pen

The LunaTik Touch Pen was the 6th project I backed on Kickstarter. Backed the project last year on 14th December 2011, it became officially funded this year on the 10th February 2012 after raising US$309,183 (the goal was only US$75,000).

After some delays, I finally received the product last week on the 10th July 2012. Paid US$30 for it and an extra US$20 for the shipping to Singapore which adds up to US$50 (S$63.20) in total.

LunaTik Alloy Touch Pen - Packaging Front
LunaTik Alloy Touch Pen – Packaging Front

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Logitech Gaming Products Giveaway Starting From August 2012

Just a heads up, starting from August 2012, I will be giving away a Logitech Gaming Product via a Twitter contest every month for the next 3 months, totalling S$620, so watch for it. The contests will be open to all my readers based in Singapore only (sorry about that).

These 3 Logitech products are (not in any particular order):

Logitech Gaming Products
Logitech Gaming Products

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Epson Moverio Launch

Epson launches the Moverio BT-100 last Friday at Ion Sky. The Epson Moverio is Epson’s answer to Google Glasses.

It will be retailing from Monday, 23rd July 2012 at selected Best Denki outlets for S$999. If you pre-order the Moverio at those selected outlets from today till 22nd July 2012, you will get a 16GB MicroSD card (worth S$18) and a pair of CX215 Sennheiser earphones (worth S$68.90) for free.

Nice View Of Orchard Road From Ion Sky
Nice View Of Orchard Road From Ion Sky

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Western Digital My Passport 2012 (1TB)

Li Xiang got the Western Digital My Passport (1TB) from Challenger for S$189 (Member’s Price: S$159).

This is the new 2012 edition and WD has dropped the name “Essential SE” and hence the name is just Western Digital My Passport. Also, USB 3.0 is now the standard feature.

Western Digital My Passport 2012 (1TB) - Box Front
Western Digital My Passport 2012 (1TB) – Box Front

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Intel Ultrabook

If you are trying to get a laptop/notebook this year, you may have come across the buzz word, Intel Ultrabook. While the buzz word is not entirely new (it was announced at Computex in 2011), it has become more mainstream as OEM manufacturers such as Dell, HP, Samsung, Asus, Acer are producing more and more Ultrabook models.

So what is an Ultrabook? An Ultrabook is a set of laptop/notebook specifications set by Intel to the OEM manufacturers to follow and if they adhere to these set of specifications, their product can be classify as an Ultrabook. It is essentially a sub-category of laptop/notebook.

Intel Ultrabook
Intel Ultrabook

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Google Chrome And Google Drive Now On iOS

Google Chrome on iOS
Been waiting for this day! Google Chrome is finally here for iOS and it is an universal app! Played with it on both iPhone 4S and iPad 2 and it works beautifully, it has replaced Safari on my iOS devices!

The sync (bookmarks, history, tabs, preferences and devices) works great out of the box after entering my Google credentials!

Google Chrome iOS in App StoreGoogle Chrome iOS (iPhone) - Web
Google Chrome iOS (iPhone)

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