Went for my first driving practical lesson. First lesson was kinda simple and was nervous. Just move front and back then drive around the circuit. My instructor is very patient and very friendly. Don’t know why I was smiling all the way after my lesson end. LOL. It is very fun learning driving.
Went for lunch with Elaine after that at Lot 1 shopping center. Came back to BBDC again for the 1st theory lesson. Leave BBDC after that to go back to SP. Had dinner at SP, the wan ton mee at foodcourt 3 taste bad. Didn’t know that even at 6.30pm, foodcourt 3 is still so crowded.
Suppose to go for school National’s Day celebration, end up cannot make it because I got a meeting with my client. And I still get the free red polo shirt. lol
Had meeting with my client all the way to 7.30pm. Discussed mainly abt the CBT issue. The coding of the CBT looks very challenging. Think need at least 2x the time and effort as compared to Quietroom. Wonder can we finished in time or not as we are behind schedule.
Went to school for GAME practical lessons only. After that went to Clementi to get my SAM’s Teach Yourself ASP In 21 Days. It is the last book left. Wonder when the stock will come in.
Was early, went with Reaper to walk around at Ngee Ang City. Saw one Panasonic’s DVD Home Theater set. Price is reasonable, $599. Think I will get something like that to replace my stupid Creative Speakers on Christmas. By then I hope I am able to sound surround my room and my TV and computer will be plug into that set.
Went to BDCC after school with Elaine to help her out on her registration of driving and to get my driving booklet stamped for the fixed group. Didn’t realized my group G2066 from Bronze become Gold. Luckily I registered early so I am paying the bronze price. LOL.
Will be attending the theory lessons again on Thursday, then aim to take the FTT practice and evaluation next week and hope that by August can pass my FTT.
Went to Hans at Pickering Street for breakfast before proceeding to Suntec’s City. Bought 2×50 Smartbuy CDRs to stock up, left only about 20 at home. I always buy Smartbuy CDRs, used to it. Sometimes when you are always using the same thing, it will be hard for you to change and you tend to take it for granted. Quote “Somethings Do Change, While Somethings Never Change”.
Walked around Suntec till around 3pm before heading home.
Just came home. Been months since I came home so late. Out for more then 12 hours. Had my ELIT lecture in the morning at LT4A. Was lost and could not find the place. End up meeting Jacky and co before going in.
Kinda enjoy my ELIT lecture, he is not exactly a lecturer but is a lawyer and he can really make the lecture very interesting with his jokes. One of the best lecturer.
Went to foodcourt 1 for lunch. The western food there is very famous for years. After eating, on our way to the bus stop, got caught by a lecturer there for no wearing my lanyard. Luckily just warning only as we are from school of ICT. But that lecturer say he will send a mail to our director about this. How unlucky can my this semester get. All the way downhill for me.
Went to meet my client at HPB. After the meeting, we went to the open space at 2nd level which we called “Wu Ding(Roof Top)” to further discuss about fyp. It is quite handy to have a laptop around at times, but the downside is that the battery can last for 2 hours only.
Spend the whole afternoon tidying, renaming and re-organizing all my english mp3s, totaling to about 1900 songs. Shall be doing that to my 200 chinese mp3s tomorrow. My ratio of english mp3s to chinese mp3s is like 1:10. LOL. Now all my english mp3s have proper ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags.
Borrowed from WilloWisp a splitter to further split my SCV point to test whether there will be a lose in signal if I buy a new TV and put it in my room. To my surprise, the signal lost is very minimal. My room SCV point will have 3 splits, 1 to my brother’s room TV and 2 to my room(TV and Internet).
Actually wanted to meet my client today, but he got a few meetings, thus our meeting is postponed to Friday after 5pm. Because of this I am able to make it for my first National Skill(Web Design Trade) meeting today.
I didn’t really mention that I am taking part in National Skill Competition for the Web Design Trade. Was chosen by my GAME lecturer to enter the National Skill Competition along with 2 of my classmates, Elaine and Hangwei. 3 from DMMT, 2 from DIT, 3 from DICT. Total 8 persons, but only 6 can make it to represent SP.
Went to Long John Silver for lunch with Lian opposite City Hall MRT station. Not too sure what you called that building. My memory is not in a good state now so cannot really remember stuffs. I really don’t want to think of this issue, but I just can’t control my mind.
If only no one is involved besides we two, I think I will feel better. Now I really hope that the FYP can stress me till that I will not think of this issue. It really hurts.