1 more day to the anniversary of September 11th. Wonder anything will happen tomorrow? Lets pray for world peace. LOL
Stayed in school until 6.30pm to do P&Q2 assignment with my group, almost done, just a few more bits to go. 1 assignment down, 6 more to go. Haiz. Very stressed, so many assignments, so little time. Learnt facial expression animation in CANI lecture today. I can say that it is VERY difficult. Cannot Make It. Sighz
During my lunch time, I went to accompany my friends to see our P&Q2 teacher outside the ICT office, saw around 5 lecturers holding a stack of paper, going around that level catching students who have long hair, outrages colored hair, did not wear lanyard, wearing slippers and wearing singlets. Saw ALOT of students caught, luckily I cut my hair on Friday, if not 101% I will get caught. This is so strict. Just bear for 2 more months before school holidays, and once school reopens next year, I think will be back to the good old slacking days. LOL
Started my DEUI assignment, still cannot decide which layout to use. Wanted to use the “Desktop” style layout, but in the end I scrap the idea. Still thinking…….. Hmmmmmm
Went to Crystal Jade Kitchen to eat breakfast, well the food standard there is considered average judging from my taste buds. Later went to buy present for someone special, as her birthday is coming. Hehe. Few more days till she turn 18.
After everything, I went to Sunetc to do P&Q2 assignment with my group, stayed there for about 3 hours at McDonalds and the P&Q2 assignment we are doing requires us to research on McDonalds. Many a times we often joke “We want to see your manager” if we need any type of McDonalds related information. LOL
Woke up in the afternoon, spend almost the whole afternoon doing the “sticky news post”. It can be considered done. Meet my friends in the evening, we went to Geylang to have our dinner then proceed to Orchard Road. And we walk around Orchard Road until about 9.30 pm before going home from there.
I Will be doing some shopping with my mom tomorrow morning and in the afternoon will be going to Suntec City to do my P&Q assignment 1. The deadline for the assignment is also on 16th September 2002.
Learnt Java aniamtion today during my DSAL pratical lessons and learnt skinning during my CANI pratical lessons, both lessons are all very difficult especially skinning. Sighz
Went to cut my hair in the afternoon, Monday, SP will conduct a strict check on discipline, cannot play play anymore, this time any lecturers can catch you and the fine is $250. Time to get serious.
Posting blogs earlier nowadays since school had started and must sleep early, I will make an effort to post everyday LOL.
DEUI assignment 2 (part 1) deadline extended which is a bad news, because we need to add in more stuffs, now we need to categorised in 3 ways instead of the usual 1 way. Sighz.
Yap, no more test until the end of the semester. Today WWWP paper was easy, made a few careless mistakes, if not I think I will be able to get full marks. Sigh.
Went to Plaza Singapura to watch Stuart Little 2 after my WWWP test, show lasted for about 80 minutes, not a bad show, the cat is so funny. LOL
Today CANI pratical test was easy, almost exactly the same as past year paper. Alot of problems happen before the test, students not allocated to computers, not enough computers etc. This shows that during CANI pratical lessons there was never one time which had full attendance, and the register shows full attendence. LOL. Because of these problems, the test start at 12.30pm and end at 2.30pm.
Tomorrow will be my last test, WWWP (Web Programming) written test. Hope it is easy, been doing web programming for almost 4 years. Hope it is no kick to me. But nevertheless, NEVER be too over confident. Good luck and pray hard =)
Today’s DSAL pratical test was difficult, hope I can pass it. Started doing it, thought it was easy, when come to ending so difficult, DIE.
Stayed back after school to about 5pm to do CANI assignment 2 storyboarding with my group, as usual I did not help out in the drawing, because my art simply sucks. That is a fact, I don’t deny it. LOL
Spent the whole afternoon studying for the DSAL pratical test which will be taking place tomorrow. Went to Changi Airport Terminal 1 to fetch my uncle, and on the way took my dinner at the Swensens there. Woo, my baby cousin is finally out of hospital after 2 months. He stayed in the hospital for about 2 months due to pre-mature.
Created a new wallpaper, getting sick of the old one, so decided to create a new one. Hehe