The official retail price is S$279, but since this product has been in the market since September 2023, you can get it cheaper. The cheapest I saw was from, where Bizgram is selling it for S$215.
Since Li Xiang started working from the office more frequently, she would need a portable keyboard. So I decided to pass her my older Apple Magic Keyboard so that I can get a new one. Also, she loves Apple’s keyboard, and I wanted a mechanical keyboard, so our objectives are aligned.
Previously, I had the Keychron K7, but I sold it because I wanted a 75% keyboard.
After getting my Keychron K7, it got me interested in the world of Keyboard modding. So happen that my brother also got interested and he bought for himself and me the Keychron Q1 (USD$169 / S$229) together with the Keychron Keyboard Wooden Palm Rest (USD$25 / S$34).
I chose the Fully Assembled Carbon Black Base with Gateron Phantom Blue switches. Fully assembled because it is just US$20 difference, and I don’t have any existing switches that I can use.
Despite its smaller size, the Ultrathin Keyboard Cover still maintains the same full-size keys of a standard keyboard which makes typing on it really comfortable and easy. Additionally, there is a built-in stand behind it that holds your iPad Air at the optimal angle for viewing.
Most of our keyboards are filthy and a study done in 2008 suggests that it had 150 times the recommended limit for bacteria (five times as filthy as a toilet seat). What lies beneath the keys on your keyboard? I say dirt, hairs, pet fur, food crumbs, dandruffs, etc.
Logitech K310 Washable Keyboard – Giving It A Shower