I finally gotten the GoPro HERO4 Black Edition after hesitating for quite some time. Thanks to my mom for buying it for me.
Both models of GoPro HERO4 was out of stock at VivoCity’s Challenger ever since Christmas last year. And since only the Black Edition stock came in, I decided to get the Black Edition instead of waiting for the Silver Edition.
Bought the Innergie USB Charger – 10W Dual USB Auto Adapter from VivoCity’s Challenger for S$29 (member’s price S$26.10). It is a 2 port USB charger for cars that produces 2.1A/10W which is enough to charge the iPad. This is essentially the 2 port version of the Griffin PowerJolt Micro and it looks nicer as well.
Li Xiang and I have been taking turns to charge our iPhones in the car after being outside for the whole day travelling from places to places, with this charger, both of us can charge our iPhones at the same time!
There are 2 versions of the Duo USB Charging Kit, one is for home and the other is for car. The car’s version is selling for S$45 (after 10% member’s discount is S$40.5).
Innergie USB Charger – Duo USB Charging Kit (Home) – Packaging Front
As usual, I am so busy with school, as said previously, I got assignment due every single week since the 3rd week of school. It is now mid October. My last day of school is 14th November 2008. I got 3 exams on the 22nd, 25th and 27th of November 2008. The confirmation date for my Taiwan trip is getting closer each day, it is now mid December 2008. I think I should be able to get the exact date at the end of this month or latest by early November 2008.
Last Friday, Li Xiang has no school, so I skipped my lecture (the lecture is quite useless as that module is not examinable) and we spend some quality time together. I sent her to school to loan her Canon 20D DSLR camera for her photography assignment and then we went to Singapore Botanical Gardens to re-take some of her shots for her photography assignment.