
INQ Chat 3G Review

The INQ Chat 3G a full QWERTY version of the INQ Mini 3G which better camera (3.2MP) and a faster processor (it feels so much faster then the Mini 3G). It measures 114.5mm (H) x 61.0mm (W) x 12.8mm (D) and weights 120 grams.

The official specifications of the INQ Chat 3G is not stated on the official website and I have to get it from SingTel’s INQ website as well as the press release which is sent to my email.

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Looking Back 2009

Today is the last day of the year 2009. 10 years ago today, everyone was frantic about the Y2K bug. I will be watching Alvin & The Chipmunks 2: The Squeakquel at 10:50pm at GV VivoCity, so I will be spending the countdown inside the cinema watching the movie, first time experiencing this. Last year I was in Taiwan for the countdown, kinda miss that, that countdown was the best countdown I have ever been to so far. Singapore’s countdown is a total joke, who the heck want to watch Mediacorp’s artists perform? They are seriously overworked and underpaid.


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Minor Site Updates December 2009

WordPress 2.9 has been released on the 19th December 2009. Here are some of the highlights of WordPress 2.9:

At that time I was in Hong Kong and couldn’t upgrade this site at all. I came back yesterday and perform the upgrade today. Everything went smoothly, looks like not much changes that will break plugins compatibility as the current version of my plugins works fine as well.

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SingTel Brings In INQ Chat 3G

SingTel and INQ brings multi-tasking INQ Chat 3G with Facebook and Twitter integration to Singapore
Affordable 3G Social Mobile with QWERTY keypad and Twitter updates directly to the home screen, plus SingTel’s award winning AMPed music service.
SingTel offers phone at S$0 with enhanced data bundled mobile plan

Singapore – 17 December, 2009 – SingTel and INQ Mobile will be bringing in the much anticipated INQ Chat 3G, the first QWERTY mobile from INQ and one of the world’s most unique phones – to Singapore.
The INQ Chat 3G brings updates from Twitter directly to the homescreen and offers push Gmail. It also offers consumers the chance to switch between different applications with one click – thanks to
its ‘Switcher’ key conveniently located on the side of the phone.

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Taiwan Graduate Trip 2009

After 2 years in Kindergarten, 6 years in Primary school, 4 years in Secondary school, 3 years in Polytechnic and 3 1/2 years in University, I have finally completed my course of study after 18 1/2 years! Went to Taiwan with Weiquan (knew him since Polytechnic), Kelvin and Hong Jun for our graduate trip for 7 days 6 nights.

Day 01 (Monday, 7th December 2009)

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Off To Taiwan For My Graduate Trip

Took my last exams paper in NUS last Thursday on 3rd December 2009. It was an evening paper so it lasted from 5pm till 7pm. So technically I have graduated, but I can only double confirm it when my results are out on the 22nd December 2009.

Looking back last year on the 14th December 2008, I was also going to Taiwan.

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