
My First Facebook App

Always wanted to try out creating a Facebook Application and finally took a little bit of time of and created a simple Facebook App called GaMerz.WordPress.

The application simply displays my live site traffic (users online) and the latest post for my GaMerZ.WordPress blog. The file is placed in the WordPress plugins folder but it does not need to get activated. If anybody wants the source code, just drop me an email.

GaMerZ.WordPress Facebook Application
GaMerZ.WordPress Facebook Application

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Odex Bringing in BayTSP CEO

Former hacker to help appeal against court ruling

Anime distributor Odex has roped in a Silicon Valley-based former hacker to appeal against a court’s decision. Last Thursday, Odex failed in its bid to force Pacific Internet (PacNet) to hand over the data of suspected illegal downloaders, whom Odex had tracked down with the help of Internet investigation firm BayTSP.

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Nokia: GO PLAY

As you all might heard that Nokia is going to announce something on the 29th August 2007 (Next Wednesday) in London. The event name will be called Nokia: GO PLAY. The same event will be held here in Singapore on the exact same date. This Asia Pacific press conference will be held concurrently with the global press conference in London.

This morning I got a call from Dinesh who is working for Nokia Asia Pacific and to my shock he invited me to the event which is going to be held in Singapore on 29th August 2007. No words can describe how happy I am and just that phone call along is enough to made my day. I have been monitoring several mobile phones sites for leak shots of the new Nokia phones but to actually see it with my own eyes is something that I have never think of.

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