
Samsung 2043BWX + Nokia @ Molly Malone

Dad’s Off To Vietnam4
My dad’s flight is 10am on Singapore Airlines to Vietnam. He will be there for 6 months and coming back on the 17th December 2008 I think. He told me that if everything is good, he may get to come back 3 months later for a short period.

Reached the airport at 8am and saw my dad check in. After a while, his colleagues came along and we parted. My mom, brother, Huimin and I then went to Swensens for breakfast. The breakfast is good and value for money. Should have that more often.

The Box
The Box

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iPhone 3G

It looks EXACTLY the same as the old iPhone. But it is MUCH CHEAPER. US$199 for 8GB and USD299 for 16GB, which translate to S$271.81 for the 8GB and S$408.19 for the 16GB one. BUT the prices stated comes with a 2 years contract.

The only difference between the iPhone 3G and the iPhone is the additional of 3G support (duh), GPS (Assisted GPS), the back is now in black or white, flushed headphone jack and better audio quality.

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Busy Weekends

Zhang Dong Liang (Nicholas Teo) Concert
Li Xiang bought the S$98 ticket to the Zhang Dong Liang Concert as there is a 10% discount from SISTIC. Apart from there, I think that SISTIC ticketing is a rip off. They increase their surcharge from $2 to $3 and apart from that, I have to pay handling charges. This is so ridiculous. This is what happen in Singapore when there is a monopoly. Just look at the fares for public transport, they keep increasing and increasing and we cannot do anything about it but to suck our own thumb.

Putting the price aside, the concert was fantastic, I think it is the best concert I have been to so far (I have been to only 3). The location is good, it is at Suntec Convention Center. The lighting is good. There is 2 screen projection on the left and right side with transition when switching to in-between cameras. There is even lyrics on the screen when he sang the song. I like concert when there is some talking and interaction rather than just pure singing. Zhang Dong Liang did just that by sharing us his life story including pictures of him when he is young projected on the screen.

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I have brought forward the launch of a few days in advanced as I may not be free on the 9th June 2008 which is the original intended date of launch.

After more than 4 years of using the same layout, the old layout (version 2.0) has been finally replaced with this newer (version 3.0) layout. I think some of you may find this layout a little dull as compared to the previous layout because of the colors used. I am trying to come out with a variety of color schemes if possible because of the colors are controlled by CSS, the only limitation is choose the color. Do note that I am not a designer but a programmer. Most programmers are poor designers and most designers are poor programmers.

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Lester Chan’s WordPress Plugins June 2008 Update (Wave 2)

Here is the second and final wave of my June 2008 plugins update containing the remaining 4 plugins. All of them should work only on WordPress 2.5. It is not tested for any version below that.

The most general noticeable change would be the path to the plugin is now fixed. Previously it was nested in another folder and I got several hate mails because of that. Since the path problem has been solved, the Automatic Plugin Upgrade should work in theory.

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Nokia Sharing Experience

I was invited to the event, Nokia Sharing Experience held yesterday at MILK Studio located at 11C Mount Sophia, #02-16. In the RSVP image that was sent to my email, it only states that Nokia is introducing their latest devices as well as Share on Ovi. The first thing that came to my mind when I saw the words “latest devices” is N78 and N96.

The place was a little difficult to find if you have not been to Mount Sophia before (like me). I need to climb up a long flight of stairs before reaching Mount Sophia. Being the usual me, I was there early. My name was always in the early bird draw for almost every Nokia event, but unfortunately I always didn’t win!

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