
My Driving License Arrived!

This morning while I was sleeping, I was awoken by my brother saying that my driving license had arrived. I was so happy but I was quite tired so I did not jump out of my bed, just woke up slowly. Opened the letter and saw a short letter which contains a small paragraph of text and my driving license is just attached below it. My picture on the driving license was not very clear because BBDC photo taking machine SUCKS. My friend ask me to report lost and pay $20 for a new license. LOL

Met up with Calvin, Victor and JingWei for shopping, although we spent more time sitting down at Heeren’s Spinelli, Cineleisure’s Burger King and Wheellock’s Coffee Bean. We talk about lots of stuffs, army, anime, final fantasy, cars, driving, girls and relationship. Saw Lynn at Spinelli too with her manager. Think she was having a metting. It was quite interesting. One thing for sure, guys can never beat girls in shopping, they can walk the whole day without resting.

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Finally I did some exercise today with my secondary school friends. Went to jog for 2 rounds at Queenstown Stadium’s track and swam a few laps at the Queenstown Swimming Complex. Did some sun-tanning and now my whole body got sun-burn, hot hot hot.

After these exercise went for a feast at Seoul Garden in Great World City. I think whatever I exercise today will be back again because of Seoul Garden. Been more than 6 months since I last ate at Seoul Garden. I think the last time I ate at Seoul Garden was at the Pixel Junkies outing. Ordered tom yum soup as the soup based, and it taste rather saltish. Maybe the taste has been neutralized by the salted vegetables and sze chun vegetables that I had added in the soup.

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Coincidental Day

Went to GMTI Building at CommonWealth to transfer my FYP to the live server. Now it is live on the Internet. URL is On my way there saw JingWei. He is meeting Calvin at Bugis. After the transferring of my FYP, went to Bugis to meet them to play CS.

Met up with JunXian and CheeWee for dinner opposite Tiong Bahru Plaza. Ate the Ban Mian, taste quite ok. On our way to Tiong Bahru Plaza, saw YongTang. He joined us. Actually 4 of them wanted to watch LOTR: The Return Of The King till they meet YongTang and I. So end up we went China Town instead. Haha, feel so bad but I think is heaven’s will because it is too coincidental.

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China Town

Today, is the first day of Internship Training Program. I am supposed to do a E-Learning website. Something like the blackboard but just smaller in scale. Today spend most of the time designing the database. Shall be coding it in PHP with MYSQL, if possible I will try to use OOP(Object Oriented Programming) method.

Went out for lunch with my mom at Amara Hotel. Simply love the Korean food there, it is cheap and very delicious. Did some coding for this site, now the archives, calendar stats are done. I shall build up this site bit by bit.

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ITP Starts Tomorrow

Met up with Jacky and Laily at Bugis to go to Sim Lim Square. Jacky’s aunt want to get a high-end computer, so I went to give advice to Jacky, then in turn he will tell his aunt. At first I thought his aunt will be going. LOL

Went back to Bugis for a walk. My FYP client called me when I was at Bugis Street, then when I was in the M1 shop at Bugis, I saw him. What a small world. He went to get a Sony Ericsson T610 for his wife.

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First Day Of Driving Outside

Drove my mom’s car to Tiong Bahru Plaza for the first time to take MRT, of course with my mom sitting beside me. I got horned 2 times. Idiot. 1 time for not turning right as the road is clear because I can’t see the road as a van is blocking my view. The 2nd time was that I was giving way to a pedestrian to cross the road on a zebra crossing (this is the lamest).

Met up with Geargina at City Hall for a late lunch. Had the minced pork noodle from Marina Square. After lunch, she went on a shopping spree and bought quite a number of stuffs.

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Version 2.0 Change Log

Here is a list of changes I made to my site.

» Upgraded Blogging Software (b2 0.6.1 To WordPress 1.0.1)
» Tableless Layout Design
» 99.9% Of All The Pages Are HTML 4.01 Transitional
» Temporary Removed Polls And ShoutBox
» site.php No Longer Used To Display Pages Beside SiteMap
» Cleaner URL With Proper Folder And File Naming Convention
» Site Uses File Include Instead Of Function Call For Displaying HTML
» Links Are Now Managed By WordPress
» Links And Blog Links Are All Cache File Included In The Page, Thus No SQL Query Is Used
» Added In PortFolio Section
» Image Gallery And Image Viewer ReCoded To Version 2.0
» The Codes/Method Used Are More Efficient, Thus Less Strain On The Server
» Overall, The Site Loading Time Should Be Reduced

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I Passed My Driving

Today just came back from the Chalet. On the first night, only 6 of us stayed. This is a good thing because there is enough space to sleep for all the 6 of us.

Went back to school yesterday from chalet for the ITP briefing. The director of ICT talk was interesting but when he hand over the mike to the Liaison Officer, his talk was very boring and I can sense that the whole auditorium want him to finish it fast.

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School Of Rock

I have broken my sleep record. I woke up at 5pm on Sunday after sleeping at 5am on the same day. What did I do till 5am? Debugging WordPress 1.0. The importing file from b2 to WordPress is one hell of a headache. So many bugs that could not even run the file, I really wonder how did it pass the test. Of course I managed to fix it and get it up and running on my localhost. I told the developers many times about the bug, either they did not bother about me or they are fixing it.

It is a Sunday and my mom is working till 8pm because Chinese New Year is coming and she will be working for 7 days till 8pm. After fetching her from work, went to Great World City for dinner. First time my parents ate Teppanyaki together with my brother and I. They do not really like it. Had desserts at McCafe, and their Banana Chocolate Cake is fantastic. It is quite expensive because the slice of the cake is small.

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Musical Fountain

Yesterday, had my driving lesson. It was the sarcastic instructor, but at least this time he did not pick on me all the time because I correct what he told me is wrong from the previous lesson and that seems to be the way to stop him.

Met up with Jacky, Serene, Laily and Laily Sister to watch LOTR: The Return Of The King again. I bought a Adidas shoe, white shoe with black stripes. Cost me $107 after 10% discount for the Heer Card. I simply love the card and I can say it is very worth it even if you are paying $15 for it.

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