
WordPress For Dummies Arrived

Amazon estimated shipping arrival date is quite accurate. After my book is shipped, it listed on the site that it will arrived on the 18th December 2007 and it really did, in fact it came early in the morning at about 10am. Here are some pictures:

In fact, I have already browse/read through the entire book and I find it quite useful especially the WordPress MU part as I am not familiar with it. I always wonder what is the difference between /wp-content/mu-plugins/ and /wp-content/plugins/ when I extracted the zip, but after reading the book, I got my answer.

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A Busy Week In December 2007

Been a pretty busy week for me, here is a summary of what I did. It has been sometime since I posted something about my life. This is going to be a very long post.

Nokia Christmas Crimes 2007
Got invited by Dinesh to the Nokia year end party called Nokia Christmas Crimes 2007 which is located at Thumper in Goodwood Park Hotel. Li Xiang got drunk after drinking her own glass of white wine and 1/2 a glass of my white wine. It was quite a funny moment. The food was good, the prizes was good, I think they gave out Nokia N93i as prizes in certain games, but the only thing bad about it was I didn’t get to win any prizes. We were the first one there and I did not win the early bird draw =(

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CS2105 Is Hell

I got only 2 papers this semester despite taking 4 modules (20 MCs). Out of these 2 papers, 1 of them is open book and partially it is based on common sense (CS3253) and hence I did not spend much time studying it.

I spent exactly 1 week studying CS2105 because the fucking workload is so heavy, fuck loads of stuffs to memorize, closed book exams and not even a single fucking help sheet is allowed (last semester, help sheet is allowed). CS2105 is a computer network module and of course it covers the 5 layers of network. I am fine with that, but I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHY THE FUCK DO WE NEED TO KNOW signal calculations/details, WE ARE COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS AND NOT ENGINEERS. Please wake up your idea.

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