
Happy New Year 2004

Met up with Hui Juan earlier yesterday at City Hall to exchange Christmas Gifts. Soon after, meet up with the rest of the people, Jacky, Serene, Geargina, Suqin and LiXiang. We had dinner at Breeks at Marina Square. Each person is around $30 bucks and the food is quite okie, not fantastic though. The restaurant is really packed but luckily thanks to my mom who helped me reserved a table, we do not need to queue.

After dinner, we walked to Suntec City, saw some LOTR swords at Caesar Place, it was very nice. Suqin was so tempted to buy the LOTR the ring which cost around $30.

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Last Day Of 2003

Met up with Geargina on Monday to have lunch at One More Restaurant at Marina Square. They serve buffet style food it is something like those Marina South’s BBQ except that it got Teppanyaki. The food there is below average or rather nothing really special about it. Not worth going there again.

Went to Far East Plaza to look at some Lord Of The Rings Stuff, Geargina bought the Arwen’s Pendant, cost around $270+, but it is very nice. Next month I will buy the miniature Narsil Sword when I get my ITP pay. Cost around $79.

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Louis Vuitton Key Pouch

Went to Waterloo Street’s Temple to pray for my driving. Had lunch together with my auntie’s family at Hereen’s Lemon Grass. I had the 25% discount voucher thanks to the Heer Card. The food portion is quite alot, and 7 of us can’t really finish the food. The food is average, not that fantastic anyway.

My brother bought 2 fourskins t-shirt and I bought 1 and got the other free because I have completed my fourskin card with 10 stamps or was it 12 stamps? I can’t really remember. Nowadays fourskin most of the t-shirts are in white, so I think I got at least 7 to 8 white t-shirts.

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TP Test Booked

Went for my driving yesterday, it was smooth and I hope my standard can be constant till after my Traffic Police Test which will be on 8th January at 2.45pm. Wish me luck guys and girls.

Came home took a long nap and finally caught enough sleep to make my life back to normal again. Started work for my “About Section” for my version 2.0. It is now completed. I just find it very plain, but I see what can I add. I aim for every page to have valid XHTML to meet the standards of W3C. Something like an ISO thing.

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Merry Christmas 2003

I think this shall be my longest blog post ever with more than 1000 words.

I really enjoyed my Christmas’s celebration together with my secondary school and poly friends. Been one of the best celebration ever. Hope next year there will be another chance as I will be going in to Army.

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Damm Slope

Yesterday, gave my parents their Christmas Presents. They are shocked as expected because for the past 19 years I did not give them any. But from this year on, I will give them on their birthdays and Christmas. No doubt about it, they are very happy with it especially my mom.

To so called ‘celebrate’ this issue, we went to Liang Court Nanto for Japanese food and dessert at Swesens. The whole Liang Court is really like a ghost town unlike last time where it is so crowded. That was like a decade ago.

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Christmas Seaon

Yesterday had my driving lesson yesterday. It was my the other instructor, Mr Tang. He is a good instructor that always point out my slightest mistake which from my point of view I think is excellent as I can aim for perfection. The only thing I don’t like about him is he is very sarcastic and he don’t like me to argue back with him. Sighz.

Was early for 2 whole hours, so had dinner at Marina Square and walked around Raffles City. Got some Christmas Presents for my friends too.

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LOTR: The Return Of The King

Had 27th driving lesson yesterday, not that bad but always at this time (4.40pm) slot there is lots of traffic due to people getting home from work. Met up with Geargina at BBDC, she went to take the BTT Evaluation. She is better than me, it took me like 7 times before I can pass my evaluation and she only took 1 time. Today got only 6 points for my evaluation rather then my previous one which is like 26 points.

Went to Clementi to fix her spectacles and on the way we decided to have dinner there instead of at Orchard. Met up with Xiu Yu later at Shaw. It was really crowded at Lido. I think the whole theater 1 is being book by Starhub. And the theater is really huge. But I still don’t like Lido seats. It is very cramp for people who have long legs.

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LOTR: The Trilogy Marathon

Sighz, envy those people who watched the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy Marathon today. But nevermind shall watched it tomorrow. Thanks to my uncle Terry, I got 3 free tickets to watch LOTR: Return Of The King at Shaw Lido tomorrow. The show will starts at 8.30pm. He also passed me 2 tickets for a free popcorn combo set. He told me that Starhub gave him those tickets. I think i going to watch this show at least 2 more time, one with Serene and Co and the other with David. But first things first, tomorrow will be going with Geargina and Xiu Yu.

Finally going to have my driving lesson tomorrow, been 1 week since my last lesson, and I kinda missed driving. LOL.

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Great Nap

Had Laksa from Depot Road for my breakfast before going to school for day 2 of the Flash Workshop. Today lesson was very short and we went home after lunch because our ang-moh lecturer was not feeling well as he ate the wrong food for dinner yesterday, and thus food poisoning. I don’t know to be happy or to be sad. Happy is that I can go home early because I was so tired but sad because he took his time off to teach us and he got food poisoning.

Came home took a long nap all the way to 8pm, felt so great after that. Been lack of sleeps for the past few days. But actually today I learned quite a number of Flash stuffs from him. I must say the way he do stuffs in flash is VERY efficient. Learned how to create mouse trail, sliding menu, bouncing ball with physics using just a few lines of codes from action script. I know I start my lesson today instead of yesterday.

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